Example sentences of "on [noun prp] [num] [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On March 7 Jean-Luc Dehaene was appointed Prime Minister in place of Wilfried Martens , who had held the post for nearly 13 years as the head of nine different coalitions .
2 In a letter to the Sejm ( parliament ) on March 7 President Walesa urged its dissolution in advance of elections on May 26 .
3 On March 7 Mogadishu radio reported that a USC-sponsored " peace committee " would travel to the Gedo region ( the south-western homeland of Siyad Barre ) to explain that the area " would not come under attack as long as the former dictator left the region " .
4 At a press conference on March 7 Prince Saad said that Kuwait would continue to provide assistance to Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories , regardless of the stance of the PLO during the Gulf conflict .
5 On March 8 Ovlyakuli Khojakov Minister of Agriculture , announced an agricultural agreement with Iran under which the two countries agreed to exchange experts and students .
6 In an interview with Arab journalists on March 8 US President Bush had said that the PLO had " lost credibility " after siding with Iraq ; Bush had dismissed the chances of a quick resumption of US-Palestinian talks .
7 On March 26 Noubir Amaoui , secretary-general of the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) — a trade union grouping close to the opposition Socialist Union of Popular Forces ( USFP ) — was arrested at the CDT offices in Casablanca in connection with an interview he had given to the Spanish newspaper El País on March 11 .
8 In a speech delivered on March 18 President Najibullah announced that he was prepared to resign " all powers and all executive authority " on the establishment of an interim government — a central part of a UN-backed peace plan for Afghanistan .
9 On March 13 King Michael had written to interim President Ion Iliescu stating that he was prepared to lead the country to democracy through a constitutional monarchy .
10 On March 10 de Klerk , his wife and Justice and National Intelligence Service Minister Kobie Coetsee were attacked with tear gas at the Orange Free State University at Bloemfontein .
11 On an official visit to the Soviet Union on March 11-16 President Özal broached the subject of a Black Sea economic co-operation zone , which he said might be extended to include those Soviet republics in which Turkic languages were spoken .
12 On March 11 US President Bush named Daniel Goldin as the new head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) in place of Rear Adml.
13 However , negotiations had reached an impasse in February 1992 [ see p. 38776 ] and on March 11 Dagmar Buresova and Frantisek Miklosko , chairs respectively of the Czech and Slovak National Councils , agreed that the talks should be adjourned until after the elections .
14 On March 14 Alexander Dubcek , Prime Minister during the 1968 " Prague Spring " and since December 1989 the chair of the Federal Assembly , announced that he would stand as the leading Social Democratic candidate in the forthcoming federal election .
15 On March 14 President Vaclav Havel , who had come to Bratislava to urge Slovaks to remain within the federation , was physically threatened by demonstrators .
16 On March 14 President Félix Houphouët-Boigny warned that he would not yield to pressure to release Gbagbo and the other opposition figures .
17 The scene is set for a Courage League National Division Two showdown West on March 14 Newcastle victory moved them to within two points of their North-East rivals .
18 THE scene is set for a Courage League National Division Two showdown West on March 14 Newcastle victory moved them to within two points of their North-East rivals .
19 On March 14 Stanislaw Tyminski , the presidential candidate defeated in December 1990 , announced the formation of a new political party , called Party X ( after the " X " on a ballot paper ) .
20 The three groups ' stated support for the conference aroused high hopes , and on March 14 Amos Sawyer , interim president installed by the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) standing mediation committee , called in a broadcast for " magnanimity of spirit " and a national reconciliation .
21 On March 27 President Alia announced that the next session of the People 's Assembly would begin on April 4 .
22 In a letter to Zolotas on March 5 Jacques Delors , President of the EC Commission , claimed that Greece 's economic situation had become " a serious cause for concern for all of us " .
23 On March 5 Abdel Aziz Sultan , chair of the Gulf Bank , claimed on United States television that some members of the Sabah family had established assassination squads to kill opposition supporters .
24 On March 5 Sharad Pawar was sworn in for a further term as Congress ( I ) Chief Minister .
25 On March 5 Saddam Hussein appointed his cousin , Ali Hasan al-Majid , to replace Samir Muhammad Abdul Wahhab as Interior Minister .
26 On March 1 King Bhumibol Adulyadej formally approved a new interim Constitution which had been drawn up by the NPKC .
27 On March 1 Samak Sundaravej announced his intention to resign as leader of the Prachakorn Thai Party in protest at the AVC investigation into his financial affairs .
28 The 16th session of the General People 's Congress ( GPC ) assembled in Tripoli on March 2-10 to decide on future government policy [ see p. 37214 for report on March 1989 GPC session ] .
29 On March 4 President Patricio Aylwin Azócar released the report , delivered to him in early February , of the government 's Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( CVR ) on human rights violations committed between September 1973 and March 1990 under the right-wing military regime of Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte .
30 On March 4 Hamish Macleod , the Hong Kong Financial Secretary , unveiled the budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1 , 1992 .
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