Example sentences of "on [adj] [noun prp] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ law ’ of natural evolution or development , especially when popularized by Herbert Spencer and applied to society , was said to parallel traditional Christian reliance on Divine Providence and meant that the expansion of Nonconformity at home and the extraordinary growth of British power and influence abroad could be seen as part of the same phenomenon .
2 The Nez Perce crossed the Musselshell on 17th September and raided fresh horses from Crow chief Dumb Bull 's camp .
3 He came into the Northampton side at home to Luton on 30 October and scored a hat-trick in a 6–1 win , following this with another against Southend in December .
4 Dr. Jack Weir , moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland , met Roy Mason , the secretary of state for Northern Ireland , on 31st March and presented him with a memorandum drafted in judicious , forceful terms .
5 His personal representative , Colonel Stanton Babcock , met officials in Washington on 2 November and conveyed MacArthur 's latest thoughts .
6 A second Assembly was elected on 2 June and produced a modified constitution which was endorsed on 13 October .
7 As a result Truman went before Congress on 12 March and asked that US money be provided for these two states .
8 The LSI Executive met in Brussels on 12 October and rejected the suggestions .
9 Dr Mardell said the last distribution of aid in Srebrenica before his arrival had been on 12 December and had provided four kilos of flour per family — enough for about one week .
10 He crossed the Irish channel on 12 August and reached Little Lea on the morning of the thirteenth .
11 The so-called Trausnitz Venus , which was offered for sale at Christie 's on 10 December but failed to raise a single bid , has now been bought by the National Gallery in Washington .
12 ( In a letter to the Zoological Society written on 10 May and read out at the scientific meeting in London on 8 October , Gould described 19 new species , 13 of which he stated he had received from Dr Bynoe of the Beagle . )
13 He made his Palace debut at Clapton Orient ( 0–1 ) on 26 February and made 13 appearances for us in all the remaining matches of the season .
14 Representatives of the NAC met the Guild Council on 21 October and made it quite clear that the NAC could not continue to recognize the Guild as the youth section of the Party if it retained sympathetic affiliation to the Young Communist International .
15 Allitt was arrested on 21 May and released the next day .
16 Gascoigne saw MacArthur on 21 May and drew his attention to an article that day in the Nippon Times discussing the dissent within the American government .
17 The Portuguese officials said they would hear the appeal on 18 October and confirmed the appeal only involved the fine and not the ban , which actually took effect at the Spanish Grand Prix last Sunday .
18 Asquith 's confirmed his own rejection of an anti-socialist alliance on 18 December and maintained it , in spite of what he called ‘ virulent manifestations of political hysteria …
19 Leaving Colonel Doughty-Wylie in charge of the Legation , he set off for Dire Dawa by caravan on 4 May and arrived in England on 15 June .
20 Style director Hamish Bowles , a lifelong fan , visited her at her magnificent home , Templeton , on Long Island and spent a day talking to and photographing her in some her favourite clothes ( see page 220 ) : ‘ It 's a ravishing and evocative home , C.Z. is a scintillating hostess and brings a contemporary touch to a house that is almost Edwardian in its management and battalions of staff . ’
21 I phoned your office on 6 April and left a message asking you or your colleagues to let me know the position but I have not heard to date .
22 Christie 's held its rather less interesting sale of Modern British art on 6 November and earned £585,250 from ninety-six lots .
23 The convoy of thirty-five heavily laden vehicles left Kabrit on 3 July and drove to Cairo .
24 The pleas for conservative guards might have died away had it not been for the Bristol riots which broke out on 29 October and raged for three days .
25 Henry Tudor , Earl of Richmond , landed at Milford Haven on 7th August and drew Richard to battle at Market Bosworth in Leicestershire .
26 They embarked again on 16 June and saw the war out on the Western Front .
27 The attack began on 8 March and went well for the Italians at first .
28 The King approved of this decision , and indeed Lord Stamfordham wrote a memorandum which revealed that the King had seen Balfour on 8 December and told him that , ‘ If Mr Baldwin wishes to resign , the King will refuse , on the grounds that he is still the head of the largest Party in the House of Commons and for every reason , constitutional and otherwise , it would be right and proper for the Government to meet Parliament and leave it to the representatives of the people to decide whether or not they will support the Government . ’
29 On 28 April , the Caucasians joined Domanov 's Cossacks on the retreat into Austria , surrendered with them to the British 78 Div on 8 May and remained encamped east of Lienz near Dellach .
30 Van Basten , the Milan striker whose goals were largely responsible for his country 's victory in the European Championship finals last year , has recovered from a knee operation on 1 September and played on Sunday in his club 's defeat at Cremona .
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