Example sentences of "on [noun] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 If , however , the primary purpose is to train scientists , then the criteria used to select candidates might in future be based on peer review of the departments , and a personal assessment of those candidates , rather than on the putative scientific value of the projects submitted for consideration .
2 If , however , the primary purpose is to train scientists , then the criteria used to select candidates might in future be based on peer review of the departments , and a personal assessment of those candidates , rather than on the putative scientific value of the projects submitted for consideration .
3 This was merely a way of saying that herring dishes will be available to shoppers on Saturday courtesy of the country 's Consulate .
4 It was on tape box of the Chronicles of Narnia .
5 Similarly , I have found it useful in my research on roof fascia of the Premier Division .
6 It is likely that this observed Ca 2+ effect on cGMP binding is related to the effect of Ca 2+ on calmodulin modulation of the cGMP-gated channel as reported here .
7 As the party which took Britain into NATO , Labour will base its defence policies on UK membership of the alliance .
8 Basically , he is questioning the ability of racket manufacturers to make drastic technological alterations that will bring about significant changes to the on court performance of the consumer .
9 Much information concerning losses is contained in the Report on Water Supply of the Royal Commission on Canals 1906 — Vol .
10 On Wednesday morning of the second week Captain Trentham gave them their first lecture on the history of the Royal Fusiliers .
11 This relates to the general issue of whether there is a consistent policy on state control of the media .
12 Close on line monitoring of the effects of interferon on viral replication revealed that in several patients HBeAg and HBV-DNA serum values decreased continuously and were almost negative when treatment was stopped ( week 24 ) at which point a relapse occurred .
13 The reasons for the declines of mortality and fertility are still not agreed ; nor the relative impact on mortality decline of the conquest of smallpox , the agricultural revolution , or environmental improvement ( Woods and Hinde 1987 ) ; why infant mortality fell in the eighteenth century but not in the nineteenth ; economic versus cultural explanations for the decline in fertility .
14 You write to the publisher of What Personal Computer , summarizing the situation not later than three months from the official on sale date of the publication ( please retain proof of payment ) .
15 You write to the publisher of What Personal Computer , summarizing the situation not later than three months from the official on sale date of the publication ( please retain proof of payment ) .
16 If satisfied that everything has been completed successfully then it should be dated in the Completion Confirmed on Date section of the form .
17 when the form has been actioned and completed , the form should be dated in the Completion Confirmed on Date section of the form
18 an analysis of any discernible effects on public opinion of the Black Report and the way it was presented , with suggestions as to other ways it might have been presented .
19 This project will study the policy positions on global environmental change taken by three Latin American governments ( Brazil , Colombia and Costa Rica ) at UNCED and after it ; monitor the impact on public opinion of the UNCED process itself , as expressed through magazine and news stories ; and via interviews , evaluate the input of industrial , military , agricultural , trade union and voluntary organisations to the process of policy formation , in these three countries .
20 Alexander tried to steady Muscovites by visiting the city in September 1855 , but his visit was offset by the effect on public opinion of the Westernizers ' laments for Granovskii , who died after a short illness on 4 October .
21 The measures imposed new restrictions on press reporting of the Kurdish insurgency in south-east Anatolia .
22 Thank you for sending Nether Wyresdale Parish Council a copy of the above-numbered planning application for erection of a detached house on land east of The Lodge , Scorton Hall Park , Scorton .
23 Although the cows will themselves be in better condition than in the early Spring , the effect on calf size of the high nutritional inputs of lush grass may produce high calf growth in utero , and hence to greater calving difficulties .
24 This does not effect the quality of the stored image file , but if you require an on screen display of the final image , a SVGA card displaying 256 colours will be needed .
25 Much of this research has concentrated on network analysis of the road system .
26 Corporal Bromby 's team are on task north of the Antelope Road changing a B81 — they should be finished in about three hours . ’
27 It also examines the influence on family behaviour of the physical layout of houses and flats .
28 Initially , the political manoeuvrings of Pope Leo III created the concept of the Empire , when he crowned Charles in Rome on Christmas Day of the year A.D. 800 .
29 It will also explore the impact on protest activity of the different political contexts in the three locations , and the relative ease or difficulty of organising movements in the environmental and housing fields .
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