Example sentences of "with your [noun sg] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is only with your support that we can continue to do so .
2 You might imagine supporting them , talking with them when they needed to talk , trying to help , but you did n't imagine that you would be the one desperate to talk ( or the one too embarrassed to talk , too ashamed or too proud to talk ) ; you did n't imagine you would be the one who needed help , not even when you told friends that of course there might be problems , or agreed with your beloved that you would always talk about things …
3 Guide us Lord , to know when to speak and what to say , and fill us with your love that we may be able to act as the bringers of peace to those in desperate need of peace and reconciliation .
4 ‘ It seems my nephew is so besotted with your sister that he 's treated his parents with arrant discourtesy , walking away from the opportunity of meeting his father 's cousin who is flying in from the States — a man who could be influential in his future career .
5 Check with your casualty that it 's comfortable , yes ?
6 Technical yeah the technical people but you have to ensure do n't you that with with your audience that you understand who they are but if you do n't then you have to keep it to a common denominator .
7 You should check with your employer that you have made a nomination and that it is up to date .
8 Having decided with your client that he should be at a particular exhibition or trade show , you will embark on a number of activities .
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