Example sentences of "with this [noun sg] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At the 1987 annual ACPO conference , chief officers complained they were still having to deal with this illness and asked why do people still need to die in cells from inhalation of vomit ?
2 Berry and Crothers ( 1974 ) agreed with this scheme but thought there were distinct pink and orange forms ( albeit rare ) and a true black one .
3 I have been through a long period of psychotherapy dealing with this abuse and continue to find internal examinations traumatic .
4 The effect of living with this knowledge and using this skill raises the consciousness of the insider , perhaps giving him his most effective methodological tool .
5 ‘ We 've got , I think , a way here to deal with this problem and improve the quality of life for people in the town . ’
6 I find it equally difficult to conceive of a case where the court , faced with this problem and applying the approach I have indicated above , would authorise an abortion against the wishes of a mentally competent 16-year-old .
7 Yeah , oh it really knocked him for a burton , you see his , you see Clifford and him , with this boy that 's had their , their , his son that was
8 But why be wrestling with this God and seeking a blessing from him — other than if one believes that the text is of God ?
9 And I fink the team should be a little more avant-Guardian , no ponceing about with this kick and rush nonsense .
10 Erm but basically you , you would be going in to a village to , to try and encourage land reform with this document or knowing that this document existed .
11 I refer to your application for the above post with this Council and write to inform you that you have been included in the list of candidates who are to be invited for an interview .
12 You will not mention our name in connection with this order or disclose the existence of this order in any publicity material or other similar communication to third parties without our prior consent in writing .
13 The Russians played along with this charade and gave Blake similar information with which to impress his superiors so that the arrangement appeared to be working in favour of MI6 .
14 Now at this stage er it is the plaintiff 's case that Mr er considered that this caused major financial problems , because the property at Frinton was simply not one that was open to him to offer as security , it was clear that the bank would now as he saw it , on the deal that he understood that he 'd struck and he knew that without the bank 's help he would not be able to er proceed with this purchase and operate he business in the way he had wished to .
15 ‘ So you 'd write a carbon-backed slide with this message and project it over the film .
16 The New Survey of London Life and Labour agreed with this assessment and reported that whereas in the 1880s homework had been done primarily to supplement wages , in the 1930s women tended to work in order to buy extras , reflecting the greater regularity of men 's employment , together with a more efficient social security system for the families of the unemployed .
17 Sad to report , then , that they have been taken into the studio with this album and produced .
18 He tried to brake with this ice-axe but started turning great cartwheels , bouncing all the way down .
19 It was the time spent with this woman that became instrumental in deterring Millie from making her escape from this prayer-ridden , ignorant set of women , from which Mother Francis must be excluded .
20 But as I became more acquainted with this set and stopped rushing from impossible passage to impossible passage , hoping against hope that at some point he would lose his balance and tumble like a second-rate trapeze artist off his swing , I was unwittingly dragged in to a more sinister , melancholic side to his playing .
21 The people were to identify with this pain and share in God the Father 's pain for his lost children .
22 Lord Wilberforce at pp687-688 dealt with this point as follows : This leaves one final point to be taken by the taxpayer .
23 By the time I 've finished with this room and had the forensic lab 's report I 'll be able to tell you a lot more than his mother ever knew about him .
24 Catherine II persisted with this form but had it more richly jewelled ( fig. 37 ) .
25 19.1 This Agreement supersedes any arrangements , understandings , promises or agreements made or existing between the Parties hereto prior to or simultaneously with this Agreement and constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties hereto .
26 17.1 This agreement embodies the entire understanding of the parties save as augmented by any side letter [ s ] [ or other agreement[s] ] exchanged contemporaneously with this agreement and signed by the parties hereto or by their duly authorised agents which side letter [ s ] [ or agreement[s] ] shall take effect either as a collateral agreement to this agreement or if it [ they ] shall be incorporated by express reference all the terms and conditions of such side letter [ s ] [ or other agreement [ s ] ] shall be treated as being a single composite agreement with this agreement and subject thereto there are no other arrangements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement It may be advisable to include an arbitration provision , either to deal with any particular point in the agreement or to attempt to resolve disputes in general .
27 After lots of thought I 've come up with this solution and hope it will be helpful to others .
28 With respect to the embalming [ of ] Bodies , the methods that were commonly practised could , I know , have no effect ; at that time I read a good many Books upon ‘ Balsamation ’ but got very little instruction from reading these : according to my own Idea the best way would be to preserve the Body for some time that putrefaction should hardly be able to take place , & that it should gradually get rid of its moisture , & that , when it dried , it should have such imbalming juices in it , that it should resist putrefaction , & the insects at the same time be either kept off or destroyed : I set out with this Opinion & thought that something must be thrown thro' the whole Body : the when the Body was preserved , my Idea of getting rid of moisture was , to place the Body in some strong absorbent substance , & that substance which proved best I thought was Paris Plaister & I thought I could lay in a common Coffin such a quantity of Paris Plaister as would take out all the moisture & then I thought the Body should be rather in a wooden case than a leaden one because the Wood would assist the Absorption .
29 I really can not find fault with this book except to say that even splendid photography can not make me love all of Piffetti 's furniture .
30 Record a backing tape with this chord and try experimenting with the mode .
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