Example sentences of "with the [noun sg] of [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On 4 March 1991 , in the Crown Court at Snaresbrook , the appellant was convicted of causing grievous bodily harm , contrary to section 20 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861 , having been charged on the indictment with the offence of causing grievous bodily harm with intent , contrary to section 18 of the same Act .
2 His argument that he was not displaying it towards another gains strength from the fact that , under section 18 ( which is explicitly concerned with the offence of stirring racial hatred ) the word ‘ display ’ is not similarly qualified .
3 By contrast with the offence of assaulting the police in the execution of their duty , it is clear that the prosecutor must show that the defendant was aware that the person obstructed was a constable .
4 A COUPLE have been murdered after emigrating from Britain to Jamaica with the dream of starting a new life .
5 After a lifetime of university teaching I have ceased to believe that the desire to sit at the feet of many masters is a powerful motive with the majority of wandering scholars .
6 On the other hand , in the infra red , there is a causal and positive relationship of hemispherical reflectance with the degree of scattering that occurs as a consequence of discontinuities in the refractive indices within the leaf .
7 It is frequently said that like changes have not been seen since the invention of the printed book but a good argument can be made for comparing the IT revolution with the invention of writing itself .
8 The problem is not only having to write the report but burdening countless other people with the chore of reading the bloody thing .
9 Some builders , in order to assist with the viability of maintaining a yard stock and operating a store , actively encourage direct sales to the general public .
10 He had toyed with the fantasy of sleeping with her ; the rich smell aroused him .
11 She told the court that she had known eighteen-year-old Beno for three years , that in 1941 he had lost his power of speech when his lodgings suffered a direct hit , and that thereafter he had lived with the fantasy of becoming an air force officer .
12 Terror hit with the enormity of pitting herself and Ember against the seventeen members of the patrol — no , eighteen if you counted the pilot .
13 Structural descriptions are concerned with the realisation of meaning through the organisation of speech sounds and subsume grammatical descriptions at the level of phonology , morphology and syntax .
14 This can be illustrated in the context of literary studies with one or two examples , starting with the advantage of using a computerised library catalogue .
15 Having the added bonus of a symbiosis with Richard Martin , but with the advantage of handling the first few episodes himself , Barry 's memory is of an intensely creative period in the weeks before his first studio session on ‘ The Daleks ’ .
16 This gives more control over the process , with the advantage of keeping the sections cool , further reducing damage and enabling the preparations to be used for fluid inclusion work .
17 The property itself is a good size family semi with the advantage of having its own driveway and an attached garage .
18 In most cases , the probability of having a particular history will cancel out with the probability of having a very slightly different history ; but in certain cases , the probabilities of neighboring histories reinforce each other .
19 By careful selection of topics from the content of the module , the student can be provided with the opportunity of exploring the usefulness and limitations of selected strategies to different types of problem before going on to tackle the formal investigation .
20 Under TA 1988 , s776 a capital land gain can be chargeable under Case VI , Schedule D upon a settlor if he has provided his trust with the opportunity of realising the gain .
21 In Yuill v Wilson [ 1979 ] STC 486 ( CA ) ; [ 1980 ] STC 460 ( HL ) , the UK resident taxpayer provided two overseas companies , with which he was connected , with the opportunity of realising a gain and was held to be assessable on the gain .
22 Where this occurred , the user was immediately , depending on his point of view , either forced into or presented with the opportunity of detoxing .
23 It will provide the tutor with the opportunity of dealing with points of difficulty encountered by students and elaborating on the subject-matter of the lesson .
24 presents the student with the opportunity of displaying practical skills which may involve carrying out a specific task or procedure or the production of an artefact
25 This form of assessment presents the student with the opportunity of displaying practical skills which may involve the completion of a specified task or procedure or the production of an artifact .
26 And though the kitchen was small , it had an adjoining storeroom that provided Helen with the opportunity of creating a utility area .
27 The withdrawal of sterling from the ERM last September and the subsequent establishment of more favourable exchange rates does , however , provide us with the opportunity of countering these pressures to some extent .
28 The London Docklands Development Corporation ( LDDC ) was faced with the opportunity of regenerating an area , which no matter how physically derelict , had an unfulfilled development potential the equal of any piece of real estate anywhere in the world .
29 The public can join and campaign , supporting beliefs and causes with the intent of influencing popular opinion and government .
30 If IMC follow control instructions with the intent of getting a VMC landing .
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