Example sentences of "with the [noun sg] [that] you " in BNC.

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1 there is n't , there is n't , there is nothing wrong with the way that you are
2 Now the mission to Colesfield was with the crew that you have pictures , have the picture of , as you look at the picture from left to right standing in the back is or I should say , , , and his home town was Louisiana , he was a waste gunner .
3 It is the same with the notion that you can bring everybody up to the average .
4 But the point is it does n't matter who was right , and even less who would have been right ; all that matters is what people felt , because that 's what produced the new ethos of the age ; consensus had led to impasse , care to sterility , so : deliver a shock to the system , take the sort of radical risk with the country that you have to take with a business at least once in its history if it 's to succeed ; go for growth , take the monetarist shilling . ’
5 That was probably another of the reasons why they became so obsessed with loyalty , with the idea that you were part of some élite squad .
6 She did not do much for the female stereotype , but she did do away with the idea that you can not have a woman as boss .
7 You know with the idea that you sort of should look at your action plan and say ,
8 How did you how your m mother er come to terms with the idea that you were n't going to go to the county school ?
9 When you er I mean you 're in that er situation , how do you cope with the idea that you need the money , you need the job , but you 've got to somehow sell yourself and get employed on the best terms ?
10 So you had to look for someone who had grown up with the idea that you could kill .
11 The second document that came out as a consultation document , simply led with the evidence that you 've pe that you achieve by simply suggesting to people there was only a yellow route .
12 I would er agree actually with what I think Mr was a saying on balance , that 's it 's best to go with the bit that you 've got rather than hold that up to , to er to come back to Road later .
13 But if you can not afford to leave , might it not be better to put up with the treatment that you have received rather than becoming unemployed ?
14 If a detective approaches someone and says ‘ all your activities of the last week are consistent with the interpretation that you are planning to rob a post office ’ then , when the person replies , ‘ but as a matter of fact , I just am shopping there and no more , and that 's that ’ , one can either refer to intentionality or some such notion and allow the appeal or , with the detective , one can continue to keep one 's eye open .
15 And usually you 'll work with the angle that you 've been given rather
16 I said so , and you fobbed me off with the excuse that you 'd been talking about Lilian 's twin .
17 If you are not leaving with a sour taste in your mouth , it may be viable for you to enter into an agreement with the company that you will continue to provide it with the benefit of your expertise , pursuant to a consultancy agreement .
18 You can console yourself with the thought that you did your best .
19 But the reason I 'm here is just to express solidarity with the campaign that you 're continuing .
20 Trembling with the fear that you might not believe in the truth or my love .
21 Well firstly the bill did n't have that rough a passage in the House of Lords , because there are only two basic amendments , er that we 're dealing with in the House of Commons that matter , and one of them is the one you 've just mentioned , the answer to it is this , er I 've had a lot of criticisms of giving B R the untrammelled right to bid , er right from the outset their criticisms to do with the danger that you would n't get competition for the franchises the private sector would be afraid , and incidentally this is not a sell off it 's it 's a way of getting the private sector into British Rail with all the advantages that brings , they would be afraid that they would face subsidized and unfair competition , above all , perhaps , British Rail ge=management would feel if they were bidding against their employer that would be a real discouragement to bid , and we 've a lot of evidence er that they feel that and that there are many who do wish to bid in management/employee buy outs , so what we 've done in the amendment is we 've preserved the right for British Rail to bid , but we 've dealt with those criticisms and worries which have come from a lot of quarters not least from within British Rail itself .
22 Again , with the time that you were in hospital considering your future , what did your family think about your possibility of you going back out ?
23 ( a ) Bill of costs Your firm 's bill of costs should be prepared in accordance with the quotation that you will almost undoubtedly have given at the commencement of the transaction .
24 All PC video cards already supply separate H and V sync signals and so would work with the monitor that you have .
25 There have been spells back in Harefield , particularly last year , but the one true lesson is that life goes on , with the proviso that you take the medication every day — without fail .
26 With the proviso that you keep your payments up to date .
27 Well I think I would wait Stefan until the oily film had gone off the top of the water for tender plants but then I am one of these people that would always tender plants with tap water anyway because you never know what 's in do you in rain water , anything can congregate in a pot , it can be infected with all sorts of things and I would just use this water on the garden in the first twelve months or so or use it on shrubs and things like that if it was required and then go on to er things like perennials but then you could use it on almost anything but with the proviso that you may have contamination in that water if it 's from Water Board .
28 Fired off in rapid succession questions merely sound like an inquisition with the result that you will be creating anxiety , not ideas .
29 With the result that you 've a choice which can get the very best out of your budget , your kitchen and your cooking .
30 As you write the essay you may find that the focus shifts , with the result that you end up rejecting the original title and finding a more suitable one .
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