Example sentences of "with a [noun] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not everyone is a first-time buyer with a deposit already saved in the bank .
2 More than 70 per cent of the females at the lake reach the water with a male already riding piggyback .
3 On 7 June , after a week 's resistance by Major Sylvain Raynal and 600 men , with a heroism hardly equalled in the war , Fort Vaux finally fell .
4 Tories have been battling with each other in the Commons , on TV , in the newspapers and on the floor of the Tory Party conference with a ferocity never seen this century .
5 But with a computer right scan it and i if take erm picked a note or whatever you wan na do to it you 've done it .
6 Now confidence has burgeoned , and they are looking the most complete side in the First Division , secure in defence and incisive in attack ; and , with a squad gradually returning to strength , they could dominate the second half of the season .
7 As noted above , clauses such as these will often be coupled with a clause expressly undertaking other , generally less onerous , obligations .
8 Yet during their tenure of office both have had to deal with a Russia now run by an apparently liberally minded head of government who has come to the conference table willing to reduce arms at a rate that the West sometimes finds embarrassing .
9 Filming began on location in New York in April 1968 with a budget originally set around $2 million .
10 Arius therefore clashed with a principle strongly stated by Irenaeus : ‘ Through God alone can God be known . ’
11 ‘ If it affects my profits , yes , ’ Jenkins said with a grin then pushed a coaster across to Laidlaw .
12 Three or four pamphlets and books have attacked ‘ the pernicious myth of monarchy ’ , but serious discussion of the usefulness or otherwise of the royal family has been driven out by simpering nonsense from a pack of tabloid reporters who devote their not inconsiderable imaginations to dreaming up new twists to a comic-strip family drama with a cast-list now augmented by half-a-dozen non-royal spouses and their families .
13 Pregnant bitches should be dosed at least once during pregnancy and the nursing litters dosed at least twice , at 1-2 weeks of age and again 2 weeks later with a drug specifically recommended for use in pups .
14 The frozen wine is not a block of ice , however , but a small amount of frozen wine with a consistency closer to slush .
15 There is a regular bus service from Bathford to Bath , with a stop conveniently situated just a minute 's walk from The Orchard .
16 That is , they fluctuate about a mean with a wavelength small compared with the dimensions of the sample , and the effects of these fluctuations become insignificant within a few wavelengths of the surface .
17 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
18 The Corrado undoubtedly has an endearing and individual appearance with neat , crisp lines , but its dumpy proportions are at odds with a price normally associated with 3-litre executive saloons .
19 Mr Lang — who is coming into line with a decision already made by the Department of the Environment , for England and Wales — said that consultation on the proposed registers had shown they would not achieve their environmental objectives .
20 For example , a person may consent to his child 's staying the night with a friend only to find that his spouse has already allowed the child to do so .
21 One such dispute was settled by Marie with a verdict apparently asserting that true love can not exist between man and wife .
22 The Red Face Award must go to one of BR Chairman Sir Bob Reid 's secretaries who , after a complaint about fleas on an Edinburgh sleeper was passed on to her , sent out Sir Bob 's ‘ personal ’ letter of apology with a memo inadvertently attached , saying : ‘ Send standard flea letter ’ .
23 One of the largest televisions Kate had ever seen dominated one side of the room , its VCR with a cassette just waiting to play .
24 But with a day still to go before voters determine whether Mr Ashdown 's phone could play a part in the future of British democracy , the Liberal Democrat leader could afford to take a sanguine view as he accompanied his wife Jane on what was a gentle stroll through his constituency .
25 The four were Donna Maguire , arrested in Turnhout , Belgium , on June 16 , who was wanted in connexion with attacks in West Germany in 1989 ; Gerard Majella Harte , arrested over the Dutch border on June 16 , after evading Belgian police near Turnhout , with a man provisionally named as Michael Collins who escaped in handcuffs but was later picked up over the Dutch border in Chaam , on June 18 ; and Paul Hughes , who drove through a police checkpoint in Chaam on June 18 and was arrested there on June 19 .
26 It is truly amazing that in a civilized country with a government staunchly committed to law and order , or so they say , that the tax payer , you Mr President , you fellow delegates , me , and my members , our members , are left to pick up a bill amounting to millions of pounds as a result of actions by certain employers , which are , without doubt , criminal , but not against the law .
27 With a smock artfully covering his paunchy frame , Pavarotti , 56 , burst into golden-toned song .
28 Two hundred and seventeen poll tax with a bit more to go on it .
29 However , even with this unpromising start , more could possibly have been achieved with a leadership less trapped in its own class origins .
30 Good as new : to remove lipstick stains from your clothing , first scrape off any residue with a knife then rub in some washing-up liquid to loosen the stain and wash in the normal way .
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