Example sentences of "with a [noun] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 At twelve he had a simple meal , cooked with natural foods and sea salt , which she hacked with a chisel from a damp sackful in the yard .
2 October is the cocktail month in Washington ; the British embassy can be throwing three parties a week , and with the Liaison Office 's yen to keep Maxim busy , he inevitably found himself sipping deep-frozen Scotch with a wing-commander from the Office .
3 It always amazes me how Bills which the Government support end up with a Chairman from the Government side of the House , thus giving the Government a majority .
4 Mixed development implied an increased variety of house types , with a breakaway from the traditional semi-detached , as suggested in the Ministry 's Flats and houses , ( 1958 ) .
5 The source of this specificity is recognition by the protein of the pattern of functional groups on the edges of the base pairs in the DNA major groove , mediated by hydrogen-bonding , together with a contribution from the sequence-dependent conformational preferences of the DNA backbone .
6 This is made up of £130,000 in added money ( mainly from the sponsor but also with a contribution from the racecourse and the Levy Board , with the remainder coming from the stake money paid by each owner to enter .
7 Erm , er , the funding for that project which I understand has a total cost in excess of a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , has been met from a variety of sources , er , primarily local , but with a contribution from the County Council through the Leisure Services Committee , and also through the Resources Management sub-committee , and in a , indirect sense , in that the , the , the land transferred to the County Council from the District Council for a particular sum , when the project did n't go ahead , the land went back to the District , and had appreciated in value in the intervening time .
8 Above , the canopy of cruel brittle stars showed no indication of softening with a glow from the east for hours and hours .
9 At lunchtime our clients are tempted with a choice from the carvery , a hot main dish , a vegetarian dish a fish dish or an extensive salad bar and grill bar .
10 In the early hours a Supreme Soviet deputy , Viktor Aivanzian , was shot dead at the headquarters of the Armenian National Army ( ANA — the largest militia group , claiming 160,000 members ) , where he had gone with a contingent from the Armenian Pan-National Movement ( to which the ANA was refusing to subordinate itself ) to discuss a shooting incident of the night before .
11 Mayne put his foot down and Seekings dispersed the enemy with a burst from the Vickers machine gun in the back .
12 It is true , too , that under Hitler 's occupation Croatian and Bosnian fascists butchered Serbs , Jews and Muslims , often with a nod from the Catholic clergy .
13 York replied with a try from a driving maul through their scrum half Martyn Harrison which was converted by Andy Brown , who also added three penalties .
14 York replied with a try from a driving maul through their scrum half Martyn Harrison which was converted by Andy Brown , who also added three penalties .
15 THE SKERNE Park Neighbourhood House project received a cash boost yesterday with a presentation from the TSB Foundation .
16 In a day and a night of violence and imposture William Bentley , working for his uncle , the captain of the frigate Welfare , also succeeds in capturing Jesse Broad , a smuggler returning with a cargo from a French ship .
17 Scorers for Norway were Flo ( Sheff Utd ) with a tap-in from a corner-kick , Fjortoft with his special right-left move alone with the keeper form a back-flick header from Flo and finally Johnsen ( from Lyn , Oslo a team Leeds beat 10–0 way back then in the european cup ) with a header from a corner kick .
18 She tarted up her grey-black sweatshirt and her grey-black jeans with a belt from the neanderthal squalor of the bottom of the wardrobe .
19 Keith Simmons , Alborne 's lethal striker , put them ahead with a goal from the centre spot right on kick-off , and it was immediately obvious that our radical 0-2-7 formation was not going to work .
20 Celtic got the ball rolling with a goal from the impressive Nicholas after just 10 minutes .
21 The Whigs , the party of reform , were back in office , but now with a promise from the King to create as many peers as might be needed to secure the passage of their Bill .
22 Along with a selection from a list including women , animals , madmen , foreigners , slaves , patients and imbeciles , children have served in that great class of beings , the ‘ not-men ’ , in contrast with which male philosophers have defined and valued themselves .
23 Trevor Steven went close with a volley from the edge of the box while Dusan Vrto kicked an Ian Ferguson shot off the line .
24 Why ca n't I take back the dozen ski-holiday brochures I 'm leafing through , and be rewarded with a discount from the travel agents , and the knowledge that they 're recycling them ?
25 He was more explicit in his meeting with a deputation from the Federation of British Industries at which he said that the ‘ secret ’ of controlling young workers was to ‘ fill their minds with something like humane letters , or elements of science ’ , then ‘ you get a humane outlook throughout the country and you get industrial relations more intelligently discussed ’ .
26 Spurs coach Ray Clemence , who witnessed Mimms ' suffering at first hand , also comes face-to-face with a ghost from the past at Ewood Park .
27 With a cane from a car boot sale , and a battered case from a junk shop , his biggest investment was the cigar .
28 In the pilot study , a domain-specific dictionary was tested with a document from the same domain .
29 This starts about 6.30pm with a welcome from the vicar .
30 But they agreed with a proposal from the French Government , which is currently responsible for the EC Council of Ministers , to discuss an amendment which would allow the Commission to grant temporary exemptions to countries facing problems with liberalisation .
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