Example sentences of "with the good of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was done with the best of motives .
2 So sixty-four dealers packed the cavernous 7th Regiment Armory on Park Avenue with the best of Soho and 57th Street , giving less experienced or timid buyers easy access to everything from Old Master drawings to contemporary sculpture .
3 The Foster 's World Club Challenge , attended by 30,786 , proved , however , two things other than that the competition deserves to continue : the best of Britain can live with the best of Australia ; and Widnes are a team of immense character .
4 Woe to those they serve who are clad in silk , loll on couches , and fill their bellies with the best of food and the richness of wine .
5 This , therefore , is a chronicle of failure , though a gallant failure and of a project engaged in with the best of intentions .
6 The Problem of Pain was written with the best of intentions .
7 The inspector should not allow himself to be led , often with the best of intentions , by people proud to show off the area .
8 Although this is undoubtedly the law , it often seems to be ignored , particularly in the United States , where pointless efforts are made by doctors , albeit often with the best of intentions .
9 This was done with the best of intentions , to stop consumers damaging such records with mono pickups , but it opened the floodgates to many types of fake-stereo records in the following decades .
10 So you can see that , without professional help , we can make our problems worse , even with the best of intentions .
11 Sometimes , with the best of intentions , the words do not come out quite right .
12 During queuing periods , there have been occasions when I have witnessed nursery nurse students , with the best of intentions , ‘ helping ’ life preparation students , for example by operating the machine for them or by ‘ allowing ’ them to jump the queue .
13 The Canadian government intervened with measures to help the fishermen and other measures to help the fish ; and though it acted with the best of intentions , it had the worst of results .
14 A complaint by a disturbed or malicious client , an injudicious act carried out with the best of intentions , even the possibility of undue personal involvement might all have this unfortunate result .
15 With the best of intentions , but still the pain exists .
16 Even with the best of intentions it will be difficult to undo past developments .
17 I dare say someone could cross a road with the best of intentions — to help an old lady perhaps , or to look at a fruit-shop — then slip on a banana-skin and cause a perfectly horrible accident .
18 If you go somewhere determined , with the best of intentions , to make changes for the better , you are likely to be on the look-out for faults to correct .
19 Much has been said about what a Labour Government could and could not do , but I am certain that a Labour Government would set out with the best of intentions to improve the situation .
20 Tonight 's programme has been made with the benefit of time and I think with the best of intentions .
21 Evans has drawn attention to the danger of discrimination by specialty in a cost-obsessed climate , so that ‘ a geriatrician may face the nightmare that the specialty dedicated to providing old people with the best of hospital care will become an impediment to their obtaining it ’ , even though an investment in optimum treatment often yields rich dividends through the avoidance of expensive long-term dependency .
22 Cottee came to Everton with the best of references a goal every two games in his West Ham days .
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