Example sentences of "with the [noun] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 I would thought that from my quite long experience now with the relief agencies that the British operational agencies , that is those agencies which consistently respond to overseas disasters and send out their own people , technically and professionally qualified people , and that would be really Save the Children Fund and Oxfam , are absolutely excellent .
2 Claiming that the decision had been prompted by popular demand , Kuwait 's ambassador to the USA , Shaikh Saud Nasir al Sabah , said in an interview with the Washington Post that only 50,000 to 60,000 out of an estimated 380,000 Palestinians living in Kuwait were working .
3 The Director of the State Historical Library , Mikhail Afanas'yev , has confessed in an interview with the newspaper Kuranty that , ‘ Books from captured German holdings are perishing to a limited extent ’ .
4 The Exchange 's executive director Sergey Starodubov has said in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant that the majority of offers from foreign firms amount to the foreign partners being responsible for most of the hard currency expenditure involved in carrying out a project .
5 De Niro may have loosened up a little recently but he 's still not happy with the press attention that stardom brings .
6 Therefore , I agree with the milk producers that there is no need to reduce the production of milk in Scotland .
7 Shirley Lorimer of Lowdens says : ‘ He invited all his friends round for a party and Glenn and Charlie were so enthralled with the Lowden guitars that they bought one each .
8 Their clothes were expensive and had cigarette burns in them , their licenses had been taken away from them , their faces showed signs of what is known as the ruins of great beauty , they were always in various stages of depression ; and , being the way they were , this had the effect of making them exceedingly witty with the scaffold humour that Lydia preferred .
9 And it 's the interaction of these electrical fields with the Darkfall electricity that causes these … things to happen . ’
10 What he has done , he explains , is to combine the belief of his philosophical predecessors that ‘ the things immediately perceived , are ideas which exist only in the mind ’ with the common-sense belief that ‘ those things … [ we ] immediately perceive are the real things ’ ; and these two , put together ‘ do in effect constitute the substance of what I advance ’ .
11 His problem is that he is so busy with the GAA team that he is unable to give his hotels his undivided attention .
12 Expert systems technology should be also seen as the integrating vehicle of those four generations with the operations systems that are used today in the aviation world .
13 Wright is still suffering with the groin injury that ruled him out of England 's World Cup qualifier 12 days ago , while Adams also missed the Chelsea defeat after falling down some stairs on a night out last week , and needing 29 stitches in a cut forehead .
14 His wife Renée , was a cousin of Sigmund Gestetner , who emigrated to England early in the 1930s and made a personal fortune with the copying machine that carried his name .
15 The Scotsman ICM poll on moral values found 75 per cent either disagreed or disagreed strongly with the government line that there is no link .
16 Specialists from the International Institute for Energy Conservation working with the government claim that the Thai programme provides a blueprint for similar measures in other developing countries .
17 These patterns are associated with the Coriolis force that expresses the Earth 's rotation .
18 One can only hope for all concerned with the pub estate that Threshold Inns are allowed the chance to prove themselves and become a legend in pub retailing .
19 At length his other hand stole forward to play with the copper tresses that fell about the pillows .
20 As with the passport photograph that is used to verify the identity of the subject and which functions like the signature in official documents , this function of the face can be detected in traditional portraiture where the face on the canvas is there to represent the true likeness of the model .
21 Buses for Staffa and Iona wait at Craignure on Mull for independent foot passengers from Oban , bottlenecking with the tour buses that disgorge from the giant frogmouth of the Isle of Mull ferry .
22 I 've done that on trains , I 've done that on a tour bus quite recently , and of course the response you get can be very , very aggressive and that 's sometimes quite hard to handle but I take the precaution of always checking before I go somewhere that I 'm going to , I 'm going to be backed up , for example , erm before I go I purchase my holiday , I actually checked with the tour company that they did n't allow smoking on the buses
23 The consummation of that desire , and the admittance of ‘ erotic sensations ’ on the part of the heroine represents such a break with the romance genre that it requires a new form , the development of a sub-genre .
24 The branch of chemistry concerned with the enthalpy changes that occur during chemical reactions and phase changes is called thermochemistry .
25 Such discussions with the Home Office that I have had on the question have made it clear that when their guidelines to the police are finally formulated the limited use of investigative hypnosis will be exclusively in the hands of trained and independent professionals such as clinical psychologists .
26 He identified with the Barmen Declaration that : ‘ Jesus Christ is the one Word of God which we are required to hear … we repudiate the false teachings that the Church must recognize other teachings and other personalities alongside this one Word of God . ’
27 Giles , over there with the bow tie that lights up and spins round is ‘ rarely musing ’ .
28 There can be problems with something like the ‘ Quoniam ’ of the B minor Mass with the horn part that always sounds problematic on the modern instrument .
29 Doors leading directly from a lean-to garage to the house must meet the Building Regulations requirements concerning fire spread : if you plan such an installation , notify your supplier and confirm with the Building Inspector that the provisions made are satisfactory .
30 I think the key to it has been in the past that if we can establish a platform with the front five and get our back row really involved with the support play that they can produce , Bath going backwards certainly do n't look as strong as when they are coming at us .
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