Example sentences of "with [det] [Wh pn] [vb mod] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Dance music changes fast , so you ca n't just stay the same , but the dance music audience has little patience with those who ca n't find a new trick that is just as magical as the old one .
2 After an hour , boredom has set in : the quick learners are impatient with those who ca n't follow , while the older women mechanically repeat five or six words in succession after the others , without even looking at their books .
3 Although the government has gone to great lengths ( £1 million spent on marketing the proposals ( in an attempt to convince us that the NHS will still remain a National Health Service and will still be free to those requiring health care the proposals clearly spell the future of a health service which will move away from being a public tax funded service to a two tier service , with those who ca n't afford to pay on the bottom level receiving inadequate and cash starved services .
4 Herbal teas or tisanes are also very popular with those who can not tolerate caffeine .
5 Perhaps radio is now fitted inside the crash helmets , I never understood why this could not have been done in the first place , along the lines of the radios issued to policemen or the earphones that , thank God , are popular with those who can not live without constant noise .
6 People tend to sympathise with those who can not talk rather than those who can not hear .
7 The faster fitness style and stamina section featured will appeal to many younger people , and videos of this type are very popular with those who can not , or do not wish to , go to a regular class .
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