Example sentences of "with [det] [noun sg] than [pron] " in BNC.

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1 All species are discovered to have more in common with each other than their differences would suggest .
2 Father and son exchanged looks , in better temper with each other than they 'd been for years .
3 The fact that parts of Poland were virtually indistinguishable from parts of Germany in terms of social complexity , levels of absolute poverty and economic success , that the Polish szlachta and the German Junker had more in common with each other than they did with either Berliners or Warsawians , that the average Polish and German smallholders and peasants had more in common with each other than they did with their social betters and political masters — all this meant nothing , except perhaps to make the Germans more convinced that the Poles would eventually drag them down to the Polish level of degradation .
4 The fact that parts of Poland were virtually indistinguishable from parts of Germany in terms of social complexity , levels of absolute poverty and economic success , that the Polish szlachta and the German Junker had more in common with each other than they did with either Berliners or Warsawians , that the average Polish and German smallholders and peasants had more in common with each other than they did with their social betters and political masters — all this meant nothing , except perhaps to make the Germans more convinced that the Poles would eventually drag them down to the Polish level of degradation .
5 Instead she said quietly , and with more patience than she felt , ‘ Victoria , your father will not only be annoyed if you do n't go to the party tonight , he 'll also be extremely upset .
6 Or perhaps through erm corruption in that the landlords are paying backhanders to them so that the landlords were left in effect with more land than they ought to have been .
7 Then later , as his speed and timing improve and after gaining a certain amount of success over his own ranks , he can go a step higher and spar with a student with more experience than himself .
8 Truly a top class outfit with more experience than you can shake a stick at .
9 Men with more sense than we ever had .
10 She shook out the clothes over the scrub with more alacrity than she had shown at the washing , she was released from her error , she had escaped , just .
11 The brown eyes searched Fowler 's face with more concern than they had yet shown .
12 Valerie Masters … they and so many others arrived , did their songs with more panache than I 'd ever heard before , and departed .
13 To this he calmly replied , with more charity than I deserved : ‘ Well , you should have seen what I was like before I became one ! ’
14 ‘ Homework , ’ Herr Nordern said with more sympathy than he would normally have allowed himself .
15 ‘ No , of course not , Julia , ’ said Anthony , smiling at her with more sympathy than he had managed to show for weeks .
16 With more bravery than she had ever mustered before , Louisa retraced her steps .
17 And as to this present situation one of us is going to tire eventually , ’ Maggie pointed out tartly with more bravery than she really felt .
18 ’ Right , ’ Mala said , with more crispness than she should have been able to produce .
19 Benny took the bus to Dublin on the first day of term with more trepidation than she would ever have expected .
20 Whether we discover them in the landscape or in ourselves , we are imbuing the places concerned with more significance than they would otherwise possess .
21 Various modern human activities ensure , however , that many ecosystems are assaulted with more nutrient than they can properly deal with .
22 ‘ I would have managed , ’ she said with more conviction than she felt .
23 In Raymond Aron 's words , ‘ The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset ’ .
24 these two are also hoping to come back with more money than they went … you see along the route they 're raising funds hopefully as much as ten thousand pounds for the haemophilia society …
25 Importantly for Nicholson , this quirk in the social order was all that was needed to give him the kick-start he required , and it also provided him with more money than he had ever earned before .
26 ‘ I seem to recall you telling me you took no pleasure in a woman 's coldness , ’ she said with more assurance than she felt .
27 It must have the additional power of a moral code based on a religion , and there is no part of human affairs in which this applies with more force than it does in the matter of child rearing .
28 At that stage he did n't seem to have any effect on anything in terms of erm , alerting anybody , so erm we need to er , we need to deal with that with more action than we ha have at the moment .
29 Since cats can see , hear and smell with more sensitivity than we can , it is reassuring to find that in one respect at least we have superior sense organs .
30 We readily agreed that the conversion had been carried out with more imagination than we would have been able to bring to it , but could we afford it ?
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