Example sentences of "with [det] [noun sg] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Was Daff pleased with that watch that you got her ?
2 And we 'd only be interested i with that scenario that you could virtually er get the Independent at a song otherwise it would n't be worth having .
3 Under present legislation , live animals are classified as ‘ agricultural products ’ — the same category as vegetables — to be used and abused with little consideration that they are living animals that feel pain just like us .
4 Rice says : ‘ It 's unfair to say to a small black voluntary group with little finance that it should have a certain number of staff ; many are new to developing management committees and constitutions .
5 In spite of high interest rates , price inflation at the factory gate has varied from 4.8-5.2 per cent during the past seven months with little indication that it is set to slip below the range .
6 Sadly , church people have often so dismally failed to get along with each other that they are powerless to get along with the needy in the world .
7 As a generalization , competitors are more open with each other that they have been in the past and there is much more information available .
8 ‘ Everything I do is honest and is undercut with this idea that we can ll relate to what I 'm talking about .
9 erm and with this money that I 'm going to earn in the first six weeks and then possibly erm getting a job while I 'm doing the correspondence course erm you know even if it 's just bar work and especially
10 But of course the problems are with this contract that it would n't suit everybody , one because you 've got no access for the ten years , you 've bought the contract up front , and if you want access to it , it 's very limited and of course if you cash an endowment early as we know it 'd damage the , the er the income sorry the , the growth at the end of the plan .
11 It is with this approach that we make the Group 's work truly representative .
12 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
13 It 's a a a re a really nice restaurant but you can pick all your food raw and they just , there 's a chef cooking , and you just get one of these plates , you can have as many helpings as you want , they serve you a cold starter and a hot starter but there 's a buffet that 's about half the size of our club and one side of it it 's all fish on a wet fish slab , and steak , and veal , and chicken and so there 's every sort of meat you can think of , and you can pick a wooden platter full of it , so you go and give it the chef with this number that they give you and then they come serve you with whatever you want .
14 I mean with this exhibition that we 've booked ‘ Just the Job ’ , which is black women erm and the kind of jobs that they 've got , a large percentage are carers and erm and it is the thing that erm women feel that they can do and it erm in a way that it comes out of their role in the home , the caring role , and erm and it 's a role that they get sort of erm trapped into and it does n't pay very much money , as Brenda was saying earlier .
15 The psychologist justified his own persuasive efforts with this belief that he was actually helping the parents to come to terms with a decision ‘ they really want to make ’ .
16 Instead ‘ failure ’ is something endlessly repeated and relived moment by moment throughout our individual histories … . feminism 's affinity with psychoanalysis rests above all , I would argue , with this recognition that there is a resistance to identity at the very heart of psychic life .
17 So pleased was Mehmed II with this answer that he planned to seat Molla Gurani on his right and Molla Husrev on his left .
18 It may not be so any longer and it 's because this report deals with this aspect that I feel this a vital and important matter er that that in fact comes in front of us .
19 It was therefore with some trepidation that I ventured out to see if it was possible to meet my own demanding standards and buy a high quality basic marine system within the modest , at today 's prices , £250 budget the editor set me .
20 It is thus with some trepidation that I say the cohabitation rule makes sense .
21 So it was with some trepidation that I put forward the idea of his leaping back into the West End , twenty years after he 'd gratefully left it .
22 It is with some trepidation that I mention our feathered friends — LARUS CANUS — the common gull .
23 Perceive can still occur in the sense of physical perception , however , as can be seen from : ( 57 ) It was with some trepidation that I perceived the hour approach .
24 — it gives out with some mess that I might normally eat but now it sort of blows away and there 's a whole muddle of emotion in my …
25 It is estimated with some reliability that one in five of those aged 85 and over now suffer from dementia ( Norman 1987a : 2 ) .
26 It is that of marriage with some person that you can make happy in your approbation .
27 She saw with some dismay that his expression had grown sombre .
28 Peggy saw with some dismay that she wore the distant smile of a woman reviewing her late husband 's insurance position .
29 It had taken her four years to get over him ; four years to get to the point where she could tell herself with some conviction that she had shaken off the last of the memories and was really ready to get on with her life .
30 Benny said she did n't want anyone they did n't know , and it was with some relief that they heard the niece Clodagh did n't want to go amongst strangers either .
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