Example sentences of "with [det] [noun sg] [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 The shady ground under the coppice of trees was a blue and white carpet of anemones — what trouble Claire had with that word when she was little , at times it still defeated her .
2 She expects to cope with that side and she 's C. of E. ’
3 And they were still chatting comfortably with each other when she rejoined them in the living-room , feeling very much like a spare part .
4 The mother was far from satisfied with this approach and she was cross during the course of the hearing , I am told , and evidently decided to take the law in her own hands and on 3 July she came to England with the child and she has been here ever since .
5 She has gone down in history with this quote when she spotted a likely-looking toy boy at a celebrity bash .
6 There was something wrong with this image and she struggled to clarify it .
7 Mrs Cooke must deal with this crisis before she approached the handwork cupboard again .
8 See they build her up with this blood and she was alright then , you see .
9 Peggy saw with some dismay that she wore the distant smile of a woman reviewing her late husband 's insurance position .
10 It had taken her four years to get over him ; four years to get to the point where she could tell herself with some conviction that she had shaken off the last of the memories and was really ready to get on with her life .
11 But it could be like this perhaps , ’ illustrating her point with some jewel that she had quarried from her years of research in the mines of history .
12 After some spirited discussion Margaret agreed with the policy but pointed out with some feeling that she had been in the chair of every meeting of the Economic Committee throughout the Falklands crisis .
13 She would n't enjoy sex with another man when she had never enjoyed it with him .
14 He drew back , saying it had nearly happened with another girl but she was a Catholic .
15 Researchers found that on a day when an ‘ insular ’ mother reported having an argument with another adult before she was observed at home with her child , she was more likely to behave unpleasantly towards her child ( Wahler and Graves 1983 ) .
16 Most of them hit the floor , but he manages to shoot Maud Havernick four times as she tries to flee , and fells Michèle Richard with another shot before she reaches the door .
17 ‘ Most people are wrong most of the time , ’ he said , with such firmness that she slid him another look , surprised ; he was strong behind his gentleness and hesitancy , she thought — strong in a way that was n't common .
18 ‘ It 's for you ! ’ he said smartly , and handed the phone over to her with such promptness that she knew whoever was on the other end was someone important .
19 When she had graduated from the School of Fashion she had sold her entire degree collection to Lady Jane , a small but exclusive West End boutique , who had greeted her designs with such enthusiasm that she had believed the world was her oyster and everything was about to happen for her .
20 His face twisted with such hate that she almost stepped back .
21 But she was filled with such tenderness that she cradled his head as he lay against her breasts and whispered , ‘ I 'm sorry , my darling , I 'm sorry … ’
22 Rune brushed aside her lack of enthusiasm with such purpose that she had no option but to fall into step beside him .
23 ‘ Forgive me , my darling , ’ he requested with such charm that she was ready to lie down and die for him .
24 ‘ I 've run away , ’ he said , staring at her with such intensity that she felt a rush of alarm .
25 His eyes were fixed on her with such intensity that she felt as if that dark brown gaze were burning her skin .
26 He looked at her with such incredulity that she turned away .
27 He was smiling but with such grimness that she began to regret her rash decision to come .
28 As he galloped away , Anabelle was filled with such joy that she just could n't help singing …
29 He caught Sally-Anne 's wrist in his hand with such strength that she cried aloud .
30 The car swung to the right and pulled on to the verge , and he swung towards Caroline , his eyes blazing with such anger that she had to keep from cringing into the corner .
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