Example sentences of "with [noun pl] [conj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In addition the closer links between branches of physical geography such as geomorphology and biogeography have necessitated links with biologists and geologists and then with palaeoclimatologists because of the importance of studying climatic change .
2 When we were little we were only allowed to play on the lower bit , in case we fell over this top wall , and it was like a dirt track down there , with bikes and trucks and lord knows what .
3 He had a half-beard and he looked dirty , as if he had just been working with hammers and bricks and wood and chisels .
4 The track , rough and strewn with stones , climbed , at first gently , through sheep-cropped turf bristling with reeds and thistles and islanded with stretches of bracken .
5 Some , ‘ … wiser than the rest , lay their heads together and resolved in council to be before-hand ’ and went with picks and shovels and opened the land around the monument to a depth of six feet .
6 The flat-fronted facades are often decorated with intricate brickwork , and even modern restorations seem to be strictly controlled in a style that combines discreet Post-Modern twiddly with forms and colours that are in the spirit of the original .
7 Without explaining to where they were going she walked regally from the room swinging her brief-case which , unlike a great many brief-cases on the streets of Berlin , was filled with notes and papers and not stolen goods .
8 However , whistling and swearing offends them and they will shower the guilty person with pebbles and gravel until he stops .
9 Well , as far as one is concerned with the A Nineteen , er is n't it fair to say that the northern and western boundaries are so er constructed with hedges and trees that in fact while er er one is travelling along the A Nineteen one does n't actually have any meaningful view of the conservation area in any event ?
10 It can be laced with herbs or garlic and has a rather sour flavour — butter or cream are sometimes worked into the cheese to give a more rounded taste .
11 Both ewes ' and goats ' milk cheeses are often sold in olive oil , flavoured with herbs and spices and they are delicious .
12 For every year at midwinter the sun grows weak and pale , and he sinks down into the marshes to spend the long winter night there , and Mokosh , the old witch , his foster-mother , nurses him until he is strong again , with herbs and spells and incantations .
13 At this time too there are relationships to be forged with employers and co-workers and , since such a large part of life is spent at the workplace , the good or bad effects of such relationships are likely to affect the individual 's home life too .
14 The shows that year were such a success with holiday-makers and residents that they continued to produce entertainment there for twenty-five years .
15 Menzies the old bon vivant had not a fraction of Atholl 's strength , he would not dare to turn them away , and if he did they would go in there with sticks and clubs and — As Cameron felt his anger rising , he swallowed it , took up his own cherrywood stick from the corner , and went hack outside .
16 Armed with sticks and bottles and bare fists the sturdy folk of Sinkport made short work of their opponents , and Aunt Clarabel herself ended the contest by knocking Cut-throat Jake senseless with a rolling-pin .
17 As we climbed up the canyon we made a great clatter with sticks and stones and old tin cans , announcing our presence to the denizens .
18 They they were n't against laying about you with sticks and stones and rifle butts for no reason at all .
19 Ah , I guess it 's to do with cans and bottles and things , actually but
20 Yorkshire Television cameraman Mark Stokes was shaken but unhurt after being pelted with cans and bottles as crowd trouble flared during the opening match of Great Britain 's Rugby League tour of Papua New Guinea yesterday .
21 The package includes a word processor , database , drawing and paint applications plus a spreadsheet with graphs and charts and finally a communications program .
22 She said it again , spitting a cat 's venom , a snake 's venom at him , menacing him with claws and teeth and a most glorious savagery , her eyes out of focus perhaps but glittering like jewels , her supple , slender , long-legged body having lost all consciousness of its nakedness , her firm , high , amber-skinned breasts rising in their fury ; doubly enticing .
23 The problem had hit Britain now because we were feeding the algae with phosphates and nitrates and causing blooms .
24 There was some difficulty over widening in Stafford Road , which was already partly built up with houses and shops where it passed through Wallington .
25 Wage or salary levels commensurate with skills and responsibility and workload not with perceived social status or the traditional position in the hierarchy .
26 With chains and gags and — dirt — This week , ever so efficiently filing records for this surgeon , I just happened to come across a sixteen-year-old who had his leg off last year — they 're fitting him with an artificial one , it takes months , they 're incredibly slow — and it 's started up for certain now in his other leg , he does n't know , but I know , I know lots of things .
27 Well they were noted even when cos Jim went down there a few , few times he used to have chaps running around the ground with chains and knives and all that sort of thing , but it 's in the Dockland area of London Millwall .
28 And we both , as they say , cracked up : we laughed at each other , full face , showing at last with teeth and tongue and tonsils the mortal hilarity that sniggers behind everything we do here .
29 Fire investigators say arsonists built a bonfire with desks and chairs and tried to smash the burglar alarm at the Penwood First School .
30 " Since our friends are n't here to push us , " said Bigwig , " we may as well make sure the place is n't crawling with stoats and owls before we go out . "
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