Example sentences of "with [noun pl] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After a long day filming , our three Busmen went off with notes on everything from the capital of Grand Cayman to the flag of Ougodogoland .
2 And Rona Pondick — who must have had an epiphany upon first seeing a photograph of Kurt Seligmann 's 1937 three-legged Ultra Furniture stool — is showing hanging legs , dismembered breasts and fur balls with teeth in them at Jose Freire all this month ( until 5 June ) .
3 This perhaps overstates the case but at least reminds us that the modern child is provided with images of himself as a member of a distinctive category just as , a few years later , teenagers are presented with a variety of images defining what it is to be a teenager , each stressing a collective autonomy and independence .
4 She wanted to tell him that he never would either , but her mind was awhirl with images of herself in Nathan 's arms , on the soft padded cotton sleeping-bag , and she could n't force the words out .
5 From the very first page , where he both mistranscribes and then mistranslates further the opening of Terce in a Book of Hours , he matches marginal pictures with random words of text beside them , wildly associating words out of context with pictures near them in the margins , apparently grasping the flimsiest of puns and word associations .
6 I would n't put up with mice on something like this if I was them .
7 Yeah well we 've got a little antique box a jewellery box and it 's embossed the pattern round it , and the pattern round it is a boar hunt and it 's beautiful , there 's a little boar galloping his heart out with horsemen after him with spears and he 's all the way round the box and I thought of adding him on to the copper kettle you know as engraved all round the outside .
8 Industry was like that in Glasgow , but with disadvantages in everything except the local labour supply .
9 A path in a graph is a sequence of distinct nodes a b c … d e with arcs between them from a to b , b to c , … d to e .
10 In addition , an area of free space may also be represented by a node , with arcs from it to the groups surrounding it .
11 What it is , is it 's a what , what , aha what it is er it 's a film and basically it 's a film with spaces in it for Robin Williams just to say jokes .
12 About a year ago , Eltec set up 15 Service Centres for the Public , CAPs , which deal solely with repairs for anything from personal computers and mobile phones to Nintendos .
13 There was a narrow alley with dustbins in it at the bottom of the garden and , beyond that , the rude and unkempt backsides of a row of tenement houses with blind , curtained windows and washing ( long pants , vests , sheets , shirts ) limp in the windless air , strung out on high lines running from pulleys at far-up windows.Tin baths , like giant snails , stuck half-way up the walls as if resting in a trip to the top .
14 There is a long black table with chairs around it for thirteen .
15 There is a room chock-a-block with drawings by him in the ‘ Allegories of Modernism ’ show at MOMA right now , and a room chock-a-block with objects at John Weber ( until 18 April ) .
16 The factors were then interpreted by reference to statements with loadings on them of 0·30 or more .
17 She saw his face in everyone , went to sleep with thoughts of him in her mind , dreamed of him and awoke with tears on her cheeks .
18 One technological improvement is a little better-documented : water-mills proliferated , with references to them in Charles the Bald 's charters , for instance , becoming increasingly frequent as the reign went on .
19 ‘ Great strapping brutes they were , with backs on them like the deck of a ship , ’ William 's grandad said , who 'd been thrown off both and knew .
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