Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun pl] of his " in BNC.

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1 Venezuelans elected Mr Perez in 1988 with fond memories of his first presidency in the 1970s , a golden era to which he promised a return .
2 Then , with delicate movements of his webbed hind feet , toes distended so that they form a fan , he gathers up the eggs and gently spreads them over the female 's back .
3 The landlord cleaned a tankard with nervous twists of his hand .
4 The first rabbit stopped in a sunny patch and scratched his ear with rapid movements of his hind-leg .
5 He was watching the Headmistress with an exceedingly wary eye and he kept edging farther and farther away from her with little shuffles of his feet , rather as a rat might edge away from a terrier that is watching it from across the room .
6 It 's now forgotten that when Hugh Dalton began to publish his memoirs with large chunks of his diary in in the late fifties and early sixties , particularly the the high tide volume that came out about the Labour government of forty five to fifty one which was very venomous .
7 In 1835 the journal of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society was already recording ‘ … a youth of 16 who has executed , in an obscure village , without instruction and with rude tools of his own making , a carving in relief of the Laocoon in Delabole slate ’ .
8 Six years ago , her own bewildering awareness of him , the way it had made her feel threatened , must have been obvious to him when his simple presence , a glance in her direction , the sound of his voice , had been enough to unnerve her ; but these days she answered back — and for some reason he was hell-bent on punishing her for what he believed her to be , humiliating her with constant reminders of his contempt .
9 Even if the student is not able to come up with alternative offerings of his or her own , at least he or she can say with some honesty : ‘ I believe that to be the case , and this is why . ’
10 And he was painting a vigorous picture of the Noonday of the future , sketching it with powerful sweeps of his arm and bunching of his fists , until Davide 's father cut in , ‘ And do they recommend that you use such language ?
11 Even the wars and internal reforms of Peter I , bitterly unpopular as they were with great masses of his people , could not eradicate the feeling that the Tsar was , in some ultimate sense , the father and protector of the ordinary Russian .
12 Tantalisingly , teasing , with feather-light touches of his tongue , he gently forced from her a response , and she was lost .
13 He had swum to the raft , put his head against it and was pushing it forward with heavy thrusts of his back legs .
14 That model , with miniature versions of his sculptures , was shown at the Accademia Italiana in Rutland Gate in February .
15 News of Meredith Putt 's ‘ accident ’ quickly went around the village , together with various versions of his peculiar behaviour .
16 Neither the variability of Mozart 's facial expression , which portrayed his frequent alterations of mood , nor his compulsion to beat out , with repetitive movements of his hands and feet , the rhythm of the harmonies which continually filled his head , comply with the above definition of motor tics .
17 He was kissing her with small caresses of his mouth , teasing her cheeks and nose , tempting her brows and the corners of her mouth , so that her breath grew shallow and her body leaned against his solid frame for support .
18 At the subsequent press conference held high in the stadium stand , Foster hushed even the most hardened of hacks by dedicating his gold medal to his mother who had died two years earlier , along with other members of his family , in a car crash .
19 To the credit of both Hortense and Le Bas , it was agreed that Louis-Napoleon should be enrolled in the High School at Augsburg , a move which it was hoped would not only remove a tendency to idleness and day-dreaming but would also give him a chance to make friends with other boys of his own age .
20 Secondly , to construe Mozart 's ribaldry , Simkin analyses the proportion of scatological letters through the fallacious comparison of Mozart 's complete correspondence with selected fragments of his father 's and sister 's correspondence .
21 With practised twists of his fork the gardener spread a small pile of stable manure around the strawberry plants .
22 After many expressions of undying love , Mr Bumble finally left the room and returned home , with bright visions of his future .
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