Example sentences of "with [art] [noun] that was " in BNC.

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1 I now decided it must be my messing about with the eggs that was causing the problem , even though John had told me this was the method he was using .
2 This indicates how the proponents of ‘ law and order ’ have picked up and run with the ball that was set rolling by the Justice Model , with very different effects from those that the Justice Model 's original advocates desired or expected .
3 While travelling on the mainland of South America , Darwin was brought face to face with the conflict that was under way between the European settlers and the native Indians .
4 He was not involved in any way with the mining that was carried on in the surrounding area , but he was greatly affected by the frequent serious and often fatal accidents suffered by the miners through premature blasting explosions .
5 The immigration of African slaves may have been a factor , as might also a degree of interaction with the aborigines that was missing further north .
6 It was an arm 's length away and raising its head to hook at him with the horn that was already dark with his father 's blood when he discharged his second barrel .
7 The catholic school which was the only school available then to us fo with the field that was we which we needed .
8 And you took to do with the things that was happening in the Cooperative .
9 You can link this also up with the work that was done on conformity with the Ash experiments .
10 " He did smile , in the end , " Bert repeated , with the ruefulness that was the note , or tone , of his account .
11 erm but that specifically is one of the developments that is has had to be the cut with the budget that was made last month .
12 " Is it to do with the bomb that was thrown at the governor general ? "
13 She had known when she set eyes on them that they were nothing to do with the Smoke and nothing to do with the expedition that was preparing .
14 He unlocked the door with the key that was on his chain .
15 The ships that had survived were divided , some to continue with the trade that was their life-blood ; the rest thinly spread through the Sudreyar , including Man , where Bishop Hrolf cultivated his souls and his fortifications with equal exuberance and had received from his smith on Holmepatrick , in his scant leisure from illegal coining , a custom-made tunic of chain-mail with the cross of Christ on every ring of it .
16 The real comparison is not with the use that was made of the land sixty years ago , when poverty was the great dictator , but with the use of similar land , on large estates , in the same area today .
17 In 1948 a certain M. ( Micky ) K. Watson was elected on to the committee , beginning a special relationship with the Club that was to last some 30 years and prove instrumental in its recovery , simultaneously adding significantly to the quality of both the Club 's social and golfing amenities .
18 its my responses to it , that would be a very different approach , because of familiar with a , I mean with the postcard that was past around , familiar with that picture then looked at it one , I feel that about it .
19 I was involved with the show that was recorded at The Marquee and I think a few months after that he called me and said he was doing an album called ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ and did n't know where to get it mixed .
20 ‘ Being a hijra was the only possibility for me ; there was no other career I could have pursued with the body that was given to me at birth .
21 Had the court been provided with the information that was necessary , he said , PW would not have been appointed receiver-manager because of ‘ the untenable conflict position ’ in which it had placed itself .
22 The next day Pravda , the Communist Party daily , accused Mr Yeltsin of seeking a showdown with the president that was tantamount to wrecking the country .
23 From a commercial point of view , this is not the most fruitful way to approach a continuing business relationship , since it normally leaves one of the parties unsatisfied with the deal that was struck .
24 He guaranteed results with a perm that was
25 Pepsi outlined the problems behind their new style : ‘ It was difficult coming up with a look that was original , that did n't look like Kylie or Madonna but retained their strength — I think we 've cracked it though . ’
26 If this guitar were mine , I 'd be tempted to experiment , probably starting with Seymour Duncan Alnico Pro IIs , and then maybe I 'd end up with a guitar that was a perfect cross between the JD and the Signature .
27 The Northern Ireland BBC fought back with a ferocity that was frightening to anyone with theories about impartiality by state-owned broadcasting bodies .
28 In the centre of the room was a deal table with a top that was scrubbed daily , it had a large cutlery drawer and one of the four turned legs was well worn where generations of cats had sharpened their claws .
29 After the period of inflationary expansion was over , one would be left with a universe that was expanding slightly faster in some places than in others .
30 I could n't cope with a relationship that was so physical , I started to freeze up when you touched me .
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