Example sentences of "with [pron] [prep] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Kepepwe assured me active steps were being taken to trace those who had been intimate with me during the ten blank years : my parents , my academic colleagues .
2 I shall sell then , it 's with me at a hundred and thirty pounds .
3 It seemed that he came to associate his love affair with me with the one Meaulnes had with Valentine — and Meaulnes 's resultant guilt and loss of purity .
4 Patients with none of the five risk factors had a four week healing rate of 82.7% ( 95% CI 77.7 , 87.7% ) whereas those with two of the five risk factors had four week healing rates ranging from 50.0% to 64.9% ( Table IV ) .
5 Perhaps they would feel differently if , instead of an average order of ten or twenty coffins , one of the superstores came up with one for a thousand .
6 He said he thought it possible that , within five years , one French house in a hundred would be equipped with solar power , compared with one in a thousand today .
7 Apart from road accidents , cancer is still the major killer of children , with one in every 600 getting some form of the disease .
8 WYCOMBE went home with everything but the one prize they wanted last night — a place in the third round of the FA Cup .
9 By the time she reached Venice , they had had enough : ‘ they would not go with her for a hundred pound ’ , and left her on her own .
10 Samuel , who lived with his mother until 1652 or later , collaborated with her in the 1640s in campaigning for religious freedom and upholding the autonomy of individual congregations .
11 The component parts of the multiplier have been agreed as four years for the period up to the age of nineteen when he leaves school and thirteen years thereafter Mrs doctor and Mr Paul 's headmaster agree that Paul needs an enabler at school during school hours , that is classroom hours , an enabler is in effect a classroom assistant who works with him on a one to one basis to ensure that he can participate in lessons .
12 I had discussed the problems of insider analysis with him at a 1988 Police Conference , where he described how , on return to his force after his undergraduate degree , he had asked for permission to publish research material .
13 But there was the rub , for Ben had , according to many , the most explosive start ever in athletics ' history and being with him at the three-fifths point in the race was , apparently , beyond the powers of the sprinters gathered in the Stadio Olimpico on this hot August day , Lewis included .
14 I fell in love with him during the two years of filming .
15 He has always had a high reputation in England and the Covent Garden Orchestra were obviously eager to work with him in the 1950s .
16 He replied : ‘ I do n't agree with it , I did n't agree with it in the '80s , I was a minority view in the '80s , I am not a minority view now — and anyway I am in a better position to expound my views . ’
17 I did not agree with it in the 1980s .
18 ‘ We need the supporters and all I ask is for them to stay with us for the 90 minutes . ’
19 CFCs — the main problem — have been with us since the 1930s , a valued invention because they are non-toxic , non-flammable and cheaper to make than any known substitute .
20 ‘ Come with us into the nineties ! ’
21 ‘ They played Ards on the first day of the season and wiped the floor with us in a 3–0 win .
22 These are now part of planning history , but it is live history : the issues are still very much with us in the 1980s , and there is no guarantee that the current resolution of them will prove sufficiently resilient to withstand the unpredictable changes in the context within which they operate .
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