Example sentences of "with [pron] i had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That great audience assembled to hear a speaker quite unknown in the political world and the enthusiasm created was an eye-opener to me , and would have been to most of the Westminster hacks with whom I had previously associated public influence . ’
2 I was conducting my research with the staff of a school with whom I had previously worked .
3 Out of a crowd of more than three hundred I noticed Sir Jocelyn Lucas , with whom I had never exchanged a word , making his way determinedly in my direction , and I watched him breast the wave like Captain Webb , twisting and turning .
4 When all the time I had actually been with him I had always realized he was the type to make a pass at the nearest girl with his last gasp , and I had just happened to be that girl .
5 That speech , its reception , and my reaction , too , confronted me with what I had already suspected — that my candidacy was a fantasy . ’
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