Example sentences of "with [art] [noun] for his " in BNC.

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1 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
2 Section 20(6) defines consumer as follows : ( a ) in relation to any goods , it means any person who might wish to be supplied with the goods for his own private use or consumption ; ( b ) in relation to any services or facilities , it means any person who might wish to be provided with the services or facilities otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his ; and ( c ) in relation to any accommodation , it means any person who might wish to occupy the accommodation otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his .
3 Jeffrey was refused help with the prescription for his inhaler because the Department of Health said his income exceeded the required level .
4 Bachelor Brian Claydon , 59 , was found beaten to death in a lavatory at Nottingham station with the glue for his toupee in a bag by his side .
5 Keifer Sutherland plays the boyfriend , and after three years he 's still obsessed with the search for his lost love .
6 Keifer Sutherland plays the boyfriend , and after three years he 's still obsessed with the search for his lost love .
7 ( 6 ) On upholding an appeal under this section the sheriff may : ( a ) remit the case with the reason for his decision to the licensing board for reconsideration of its decision ; or ( b ) reverse or modify the decision of the licensing board .
8 Atkinson ( the manager ) says his bottom-of-the-table team were so bad in one of the five defeats they have suffered in eight First Division games that he found himself joining in with the cries for his dismissal .
9 Their main threat came from Paul Joinson , back with the club for his second spell and Ian Brown , a clever left winger recruited from Burton Albion .
10 Two younger men , serfs by their garb , and most likely travelling with the merchant for his protection , sat at a nearby table nursing ale-cups .
11 Wally Hanlon was Palace 's dapper little outside-left throughout the early 1950s and a huge favourite with the fans for his canny wing-play and superb ball control .
12 The Realist , meanwhile , provided Wilcock with a vehicle for his own essays into experimental writing .
13 Generations of music lovers have admired Lorenzo da Ponte 's brilliant adaptation of Beaumarchais 's original prose comedy , rejoicing in the skill with which the librettist has provided Mozart with a vehicle for his overwhelming genius , not least in those two miraculous finales , to Acts Two and Four , where formality of design goes hand in hand with the dramatic unfolding of the story , inspiring the composer to crate some of his most complex structures .
14 Seconds later , however , Quinn smartly allowed Ray Houghton 's skimming cross-field pass through and the unmarked McGrath stooped to conquer with a header for his seventh goal in 60 international appearances .
15 ROD Jones has returned from Romania with a message for his fellow aid workers : ‘ The situation is desperate . ’
16 It will be seen that all three of these matters must have a special importance when the transaction in question is one of suretyship and the wife without any recompense , except the advantage of her husband , saddles herself or her separate property with a liability for his debt or debts .
17 They call him the mystery man with a record for his mystery girl ; people have been writing in wanting to know more , women especially , but Amis does n't have the will to respond .
18 It was only later that I came up with a theory for his reticence to stop and speak .
19 ‘ He wanted to combine his engagement party with a party for his mother 's homecoming and also to — ’
20 He already travels with a corset for his back problems and leg strapping .
21 Two weeks after the meeting Kinloch was astounded to be confronted with a warrant for his arrest on a charge of sedition , issued on the authority of the Home Office in London .
22 The hearing ended with a demand for his resignation .
23 He told his teacher he had lost it on the way to school , and Mr Watson promptly rapped his knuckles with a ruler for his carelessness .
24 Reliving the experience ( even if only in his imagination ) will still take away his feelings of foolishness and will provide him with a reason for his phobia .
25 Adrian was sent home from school after a school outing to the zoo with a note for his father asking poor old dad to go to see the Headmaster immediately .
26 The difficulties that a Martian or child might have with such a system are neatly illustrated in the following Yiddish story : A melamed [ Hebrew teacher ] discovering that he had left his comfortable slippers back in the house , sent a student after them with a note for his wife .
27 Moments later , with no thought for his own safety , he was hurrying through the smoke-filled corridors at a limping run .
28 The government was reported by June only to have initiated proceedings for the extradition of Gustavo Stroessner in compliance with an order for his arrest on corruption charges issued by a criminal court in March .
29 Easy-going and seemingly indolent , he was in fact a prodigious worker with an obsession for his job .
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