Example sentences of "with [noun] [coord] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 However , most informed commentators agree that the key factors include the inefficiency , and sometimes corruption , of an outmoded police force , in combination with the failures of a court system clogged up with cases and handicapped by immensely complex procedures .
2 HT-29 cells were washed with PBS and harvested by a 10 minute incubation with 0.05% trypsin/0.02% EDTA 24 hours after reaching confluency .
3 Alexei climbed across stones slippery with moisture and polished by age .
4 This commitment , and the overall pacifist , pro-feminist , libertarian , green and non-exploitative ethos we espouse has generally led to our expressed opinions on the Pembroke Ranges issue being greeted with scepticism and distrust by the climbing establishment .
5 We crossed over heathland and passed ponds crowded with rushes and bordered by willows .
6 This decision was received with disappointment and regret by the Roman Catholic Church .
7 Where rainwater ‘ soakaways ’ are used , they should be at least 5m ( 16ft 6in ) from the foundations , and consist of an excavated pit not less than a 1m cube filled with gravel and surrounded by silt , sand and gravel .
8 Always with resignation and with grief but buffered by the knowledge that he would no longer be in pain and confusion , by the fact that he 'd had a long and lively life — that he would be at peace at last .
9 Isolation groove 7 may be filled with insulation or replaced by a high resistivity region .
10 Over the front windows was a roller blind of canvas which , when extended , was designed to prevent the windows being blocked with snow or obscured by rain .
11 The complex PCR smear above the vector band was gel purified , treated with Geneclean and labeled by random hexamer priming ( 4 ) with 50 µCi each of [ α- 32 P ] dCTP and [ α- 32 P ] dATP .
12 From an animal welfare point of view the chasing of a fox or a deer round the countryside with dogs and followed by men either on foot or mounted on horses is a cruel practice which can not be justified .
13 Given the commonality of objectives with EFAH and encouraged by the Commission , HCIMA has accepted a place on the Board of Governors of the Foundation and has begun work on the development of a pan-European accreditation system .
14 Even a discussion about typography or paragraph spacing would be clouded with danger and twisted by subtle probings or innuendoes .
15 Looking back , it seems incredible that five desert-stained jeeps laden down with kit and crewed by ruffianly looking characters sporting beards , could get away with driving among enemy vehicles in broad daylight .
16 A contemporary cartoon by William Hogarth , now at the height of his reputation , showed the soldiers sent to Finchley being plied with drink and welcomed by grateful young women and a positive passion for raising funds to provide clothes and other comforts for the troops now swept the capital .
17 There are Western-style concerts in Tokyo ; if you 're brave about food and hotels , I reckon you can treat yourself to a bit of Bach or Mozart , usually played with maturity and feeling by six- or seven-year-olds .
18 Slurry may be mixed with water and spread by tanker or irrigation pipeline .
19 Traders buying nutmegs and doves from Arabian merchants had been aware of their existence for centuries ; Marco Polo knew roughly where they were , for he saw junk traffic in the ports of Cathay loaded down with spices and manned by suntanned crews who had clearly come there from the south .
20 Yet when Stephen threw open the front door and led the way through the entrance hall into a lofty and elegant room , graced with pillars and dominated by an ornate white marble fireplace , even Jonadab was taken aback .
21 ADOLESCENT — A person who is entering adolescence , the age following childhood , which is marked with puberty and followed by young adult age .
22 Once again , the best way to open the sequence is to establish the location with a wide shot which shows the character of the setting : maybe it 's one of those idyllic places which the crowds have not yet discovered , or perhaps it is crammed with people and overlooked by tourist hotels .
23 Whilst England favours sterling and upstanding professionals like Billy Wright , Bobby Charlton and Gary Lineker , Scotland has traditionally lionised the anti-heroes , players like Alex James , Jim Baxter , Jimmy Johnstone and Mo Johnston , men who seem to be at war with authority and traumatised by their exceptional skills .
24 In fact at one stage I thought this lack of drama might make poor reading , however , as I progressed I realised that the Club 's story was a neat piece of social-history entwined with personalities and tested by problems .
25 At about the same time , however , there was someone , somewhere , who was more than usually interested in chronicling Titford family details from past generations : a sheet of pale blue paper watermarked ‘ 1860 ’ was covered with names and dates by some mysterious hand , and eventually found its way into Benjamin 's own papers .
26 It was easy to see why the police would have missed it : from outside , it was just a concrete hardstand , perhaps the foundation for an old shed , and the opening led through a shallow pit that was usually jammed with rubbish and covered by a corrugated iron sheet .
27 This was pronounced with finality and followed by a breath pause .
28 It is a small , rocky body ; its surface is covered with craters and blistered by the heat of the Sun .
29 His authority is based on many years experience in the industry since he started in 1964. is assisted with packing and loading by and .
30 The Combe , sometimes called Dent Scar , stands on the edge of the Dent Fault and its massive bowed wall of Silurian stone is dotted with thorns and cut by gullies .
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