Example sentences of "you 'll need [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For shaping wood : For reducing wood to the cross-section you require , you 'll need a smoothing plane .
2 The walk is linear so you 'll need a friendly car driver to make it that little bit easier .
3 Remember that once you start camping above the valley floor , you 'll need a higher rated sleeping bag .
4 And it 's been turned into fairground attraction … but be warned , you 'll need a strong stomach .
5 You 'll need a new file for the report , but register it to Biology under the Muddington reference with a sub-group number .
6 And if you 're going back to Cyprus next spring , you 'll need a new cover . ’
7 You 'll need a good wig if you 're to be Hedda 's long-haired poet . ’
8 Mr Albert 's voice came from a distance : ‘ You 'll need a good white shirt with it , and a tie … .
9 Cos you 'll need a good breakfast if you 're going away wo n't you .
10 And at 15mpg at best , you 'll need a deep pocket .
11 As they are run by air , you 'll need a separate line to them , and in sufficiently large sizes for a three foot tank they can be very bulky and visible in the tank .
12 Bright florals are the rage this season so you 'll need a subtle shade of tights to complement rather than overpower your outfits .
13 For real farmhouse style , you 'll need a traditional range ( or one of the newer versions ) .
14 So ask yourself the following questions beforehand : • How long are you likely to be out for ? • How many bottles and nappies does your baby manage to get through in that time ? • Is there going to be somewhere you can change him ( even the car ) and/or breastfeed him comfortably , or warm a bottle if necessary ? • Is it likely to rain ( you 'll need a wet-weather cover ) , be very hot ( sun cream and a hat ) , or cold ( extra layers , hat and gloves ) ?
15 You 'll need a solid week of ritual baths when you get home … if you ever do get home .
16 You 'll need a black hole , ’ the Doctor murmured .
17 You 'll need a considerable sum yet to complete this project .
18 , this is when you 'll need a plumb line for that wo n't you ?
19 To upgrade the RAM you 'll need a little manual dexterity ( clever fingers ! ) to slot in the RAM chips , along with a screwdriver to open the side of the laser and install the plug-in RAM board .
20 You 'll need a fresh horse , Iago .
21 You 'll need a big tea for that one .
22 Full instructions are provided , although if you are installing a transformer you 'll need a qualified electrician .
23 Sister will give you a certificate , and you 'll need a follow-up next time you come if you 're still a bit sore .
24 In intense heat or cold , when humidity is low , you 'll need a heavy-duty type .
25 You can still do a lot , but you 'll need a different approach .
26 As a basic rule of thumb you 'll need a 2 1/2 ft wheelbarrow for a small garden where you are just moving light loads .
27 You 'll need a tough , high-gloss paint .
28 So she wanted it really dead level in the front I reckon you 'll need a whole inch off your back here .
29 You 'll need a natural sea sponge , with well spaced irregular holes , and a paint roller tray .
30 Open bridging is needed when you have n't yet signed a contract for the sale of your current home and so you do n't know how long you 'll need the bridging loan .
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