Example sentences of "this [vb mod] not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This may not be covered in the initial simple descriptions of the portfolio grids , but one would expect the underlying risk analysis to include such matters .
2 Reasons for wanting to do this may not be restricted to cost , although for many this will be the most important factor .
3 There is always the risk that you will be treated as a spokesperson on behalf of lawyers generally and this may not be taken too kindly by your colleagues .
4 Sufficient funds for this may not be allocated if the allocation is based on the medium deprivation of the larger area .
5 But because exploration costs represent barely a fifth the total North Sea spending of about £10 billion , this may not be considered too heavy a price to pay for an attempt to switch activity towards developing some of the finds already made or maximising the returns from fields already in production .
6 For example if a person who has £3,000 capital receives a monthly pension of £200 paid into their bank account , this should not be assessed as an increase in savings unless it remains unspent at the time the next payment is due .
7 Perhaps more important in practice , is the fact that police powers often involve invasions of the individual 's privacy , dignity and integrity ; their use can involve offence and humiliation , and the courts wish to insist that this should not be caused without legal justification .
8 In recent years , it has become common for local political party caucuses to threaten to withdraw endorsement as candidates from Members who voice views unacceptable to them and there seems to be no reason in principle why this should not be treated by the House as a contempt the essence of which , in this respect , is to deny to a Member the freedom to exercise his power as a Member in the manner dictated by his own personal judgment .
9 This , he said , would clear the way for an interim repayment to the depositors , and although there were some small administration problems , he saw no reason why this should not be done in the ‘ near future ’ .
10 We engaged a solicitor to look into the matter and he became convinced that there was I wo n't say a loophole , that there was a reason why this should not be done and er requested the Committee of Management to Court for advice .
11 But this should not be done by measures which add to employment costs , they argue .
12 Many widows like to stay in the home of a family member for a few days or weeks afterwards , but if she is going to return to her own home at some time , this should not be delayed for too long .
13 There is no class of disease in which homoeopathy can not be used , although if the case has reached the stage of requiring surgery , for instance , this should not be delayed .
14 The role of the clergy in all this should not be regarded too cynically .
15 This should not be seen as a deterrent .
16 But this should not be seen as a criticism ; the role and scope of audit is somewhat narrowly defined in law , and any change is almost bound to have legal ramifications .
17 This should not be seen as an attack on a balding old Pole but on the institution he leads — ie the hierarchy of the Catholic Church , whose attitudes towards gays , women and other oppressed groups belong in the dustbin of history as do those of most religious hierarchies .
18 Data analysis is an iterative process : the final model will not be obtained until after a number of tries and this should not be seen as slowness , but care for accuracy .
19 But he also argues that this should not be seen as automatically implying drudgery and oppression for women .
20 Just to finish up colleagues this should not be seen as a willingness for local authority workers to give up their jobs , but it needs to be sorted so that our brothers and sisters who are forced into redundancy receive fair recompense for their loss .
21 An example engagement letter is set out in 1101.10 — please note that this is a live example and as such is the result of a series of negotiations — ie this should not be assumed to be our starting position .
22 Although food as a reward can play a part in the training process , this should not be over-stressed .
23 The importance of this should not be missed : one aspect of growing local government spending in the first thirty years after 1945 was that the balance between sources of funding shifted dramatically .
24 This should not be suspected of being a new , strange phenomenon ; it is no more than an adjectival version of a syntactic process that is actually very common in more extended phrases , such as : ( 4 ) oddly familiar faces sadly indifferent spectators slightly old-fashioned courtesy Here , one property-word is qualified by another , which therefore does not apply directly to the noun ( or the entity behind it ) ; the faces are in fact definitely not odd , nor are the spectators sad , and there is no reason to suppose that the courtesy in the third case is slight .
25 This should not be accepted as adequate medical management in the 1990s .
26 In the case of a self-contained building this should not be accepted by the tenant .
27 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where any of the aforementioned situations arise .
28 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan and 4 Star policies , as this cover is not available for holiday homes .
29 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where a business is run from the same building and the public have access .
30 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies .
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