Example sentences of "this [noun sg] that [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 So I says What we can do is I 'll do an hour for you , we 'll move the piano and other bits , bicycles in this case that he had , we 'll shift them to the house close by , drop two men off , and one man 'll come and do the remainder of the work .
2 in this budget that we 've just passed and what we want to make sure is how that money is being spent .
3 But now others think they have got you and they will find out this afternoon that they have caught you speaking the truth .
4 But he 's been telling members of the Environmental Protection Committee this afternoon that he has every confidence in the steps that Thames Water has taken to prevent an recurrence of the events of eighteen months ago .
5 well this case I 'm afraid does n't lend itself to short entirely impossible , er Mr maybe have to say erm will lead to the questions and then for example spent er a long time on questions this afternoon that I 've had for you Mr
6 It was on this board that he had saved so many lives at Waimea .
7 this , this jumper that I 've got on now , green one .
8 And we and then we had been working for him for about ten or eleven years on this contract that he had for us .
9 The public is beginning to question more closely how this money that they have contributed is being spent .
10 and all this money that he 's got , ca n't pay a man a living wage , so but it 's a decent as I say , he 's lucky to be got a job these days .
11 And this recession that we 've been coming out of for so many years now it 's I mean it 's just turned into a bit of a joke !
12 It was partly because of this experience that he had no hesitation in supporting wholeheartedly the Roskill recommendation to depart from the principle of jury trial in complex fraud cases , against the ( ultimately successful ) Home Office view advocated by Hurd .
13 I would not recommend to this side that they have any truck with that particular perspective .
14 Now , so we have n't got the reason for you gaining this skill that you had in the case of making scones , playing the clarinet .
15 Well , in this passage that we 've been reading , we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death .
16 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
17 IT MAY surprise readers of this column that I have never in my life voted Conservative at a general election .
18 One suburban Anglican church in Surrey , England discovered on doing this exercise that they had to gain on average thirty-four new members each year just to stay where they were in terms of membership , such was the high level of mobility in their community .
19 as well , had a little do with a little boy called Shane , he decided he wanted to come into the story with a , in his blue car , I explained that on the day of the choose he could either come in and have a story or he was to play with the blue car outside , well he had a fit , he 's rattling the door , anyway , I did n't realize there was this childminder that he had with him not er his mum , cos she came and had her sort of say and things
20 this is gon na be done from the heart , there 's no , nothing being put there in front , because when you see what I 've got and what my branch has achieved working with unemployed people your branch earner and that lady up there , , twenty seven years in this union we started this football team , it was this dream that I had and I come from Salford , which is not far from which is devastated with drugs burnt out cars people robbing each other , and of course , .
21 It was this moment that she had come for .
22 And she knew she did , but it was only during this moment that it had happened , in this moment of revelation .
23 He puts down something like eight guitar tracks using numerous WEM Copicats and what have you , and it 's only when you hear them all together that you realise he 's assembled this sound that he had in his head .
24 Lowe ball-nuts have been around for a while and they are one of the best devices of this sort that I have used so far .
25 It was also during this period that we had the strangest set of photographs taken of us , by Peter Christopherson who worked for a design company , Hipgnosis — whose offices were at the back of our Denmark Street HQ — and who later joined Throbbing Gristle , a band best known for tabloid spreads on their occult practices .
26 I recall at this period that I had a new second pilot by the name of Saltzgaber , who was first generation Canadian but German born , The target was Mannheim , When we got into the area we found that thick cloud covered what we thought was tie target , so we went down , But there was no way we were going to get under .
27 Er , this was a read programme for this file that I 've already created .
28 And then he remembered that it was in exactly this position in exactly this place that he had turned to face Lucy , less than three weeks ago , shouting obscenities at her .
29 Very much the view of of this group that we have an excellent planning and environment department service led by a distinguished er director and say that .
30 But , I must say that , having got that , I do not regard myself as disabled , I have a disability , I do not regard myself as disabled , and it 's this business that you have registered as disabled person , which is a bit of a stigma .
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