Example sentences of "this [noun sg] and i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I went into this field and I sat there and cried for hours in this pouring rain and I suddenly thought to myself , ‘ This is ridiculous , this is no good — you 're not meant to be an actor , you 're meant to be something else — a comedian . ’
2 He arrived this afternoon and I sent him off to rest .
3 Had it in the bedroom when I was a kip this afternoon and I switched the battery off , so it does n't work very well with the battery off !
4 I of course has to invent this ceremony and I did it in Latin as they do at Oxford
5 One day I was out working the streets , I went with this punter and I went back to his place .
6 Oh and I happened to be standing in the back kitchen you know and I got hold of this saucepan and I picked my little brother up and put him under my arm in case he got hurt and I oh I belted my father from his head to his feet with the saucepan .
7 There was no advance planning to reach this figure and I decided at the beginning that I would not cut corners in an effort to keep within the budget .
8 I came up with a lot of very hard guitar parts for this album and I had to practise the hell out of them so I could pull them off .
9 So er there was this poor girl sitting on this seat and I 'd seen her there and so , there was a nice lady sat they said er they took the Redditch train off the thing and put this Shrewsbury on .
10 I was looking for the Mr because I remembered I said I would be here in this session and I 'd forgotten .
11 I remember when I started my training I work with this girl and I said where 'd you come from and she said I come from the most boring town in Britain , I says where Grantham ? , she says yeah , I says is it boring , she says yeah huh , it is
12 So I went through this process and I started to read my thoughts generally , not to be too much one way or the other .
13 I walked in and there were twelve fellas sitting in this room and I had to sing in front of them all .
14 ‘ But if you got that for this place and I sold my apartment , together we 'd have enough money to get married and buy — ’ He broke off , a flush appearing beneath his tan as he realised he was pushing her too far along the relationship path and could also be sounding mercenary .
15 They 're out for a laugh , I mean Charlie wo n't even tell me who he fancies because erm he says , you know , he said to me , you know , and in , in , in , and in his exact words he said you 've got to be really stupid to tell anyone anything in this place and I said yeah but I 'm not a proper Haileyburian I 've just come in , you know he goes yeah but you 're gon na get that way
16 ‘ I did pop round for a chat with him earlier this evening and I thought he seemed a bit jumpy .
17 Now when I was preparing this evidence , I got to this point and I thought to myself , why on earth has this not happened in Richmondshire ?
18 I was born and brought up in this town and I thought and hoped my future was here .
19 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
20 But for some reason she forgot on this occasion and I did not stop to remind her .
21 I came aboard last night ready for an early start this morning and I saw no reason to change my plans . ’
22 There I was , talking to people asleep this morning and I woke to the dulcet tones of talking on the radio .
23 Beryl was poorly this morning and I had to run her to the doctors .
24 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
25 It was from Mr Albert Thompson of Birmingham , who wrote : ‘ I saw a picture of you in the newspaper this morning and I felt very angry .
26 They were on the till when I was up there this morning and I said you are you were working there
27 John the butcher at erm butcher this morning and I said never say it 's gon na snow , I said , it wo n't snow will it John ?
28 She phoned this morning and I said I ca n't come and collect it cos I 'm here by myself she said oh I 'll bring it in , that 's alright , no problem but er we 're going away to Gloucester at two o'clock
29 I saw Dickie this morning and I said to him how do you let these bowlers follow through the other pitch ?
30 ‘ We went back this morning and I opened the door and burst into tears . ’
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