Example sentences of "this [noun sg] that [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This afternoon that put them on environment minister Michael Howard 's hit list .
2 And it is this struggle that showed us a way .
3 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
4 The emotion that goes into art is subtle and it is the faculty of being able to feel this emotion that constitutes our appreciation of art .
5 It was this condition that brought him close to his parishioners .
6 It was this casualness that led him , as Edmund Wilson reported , to be humorous in private about his own reputation , and " offhand and vague " about matters he had once taken seriously .
7 And yet , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I also knew that it was this cold that drew me , this steady destruction of body and imagination , this utter alienness , as though only that could still excite me , as though anything less alien would only leave me indifferent .
8 You will find that there are a number of other problems in this question that test your knowledge and understanding of standard accounting practice in a group context .
9 It was this question that decided me .
10 On leaving school he went as a labourer to Hunts Farm ( visible from the 6th green ) and it was this work that brought him to the course .
11 And it is the freak subversive genius of this record that makes them the single most important rock band of our time .
12 ‘ Is there something , ’ George asked icily , ‘ about the atmosphere of this place that causes you to come up with such expressions ?
13 Nevertheless it was this group that determined which records would be played on request programmes .
14 She rather thought that Charles knew what she knew , and it was this suspicion that prompted what was , for her , an early departure .
15 This business that kept you away this morning .
16 All Connor did was to add a preservative to this enzyme that gave it a few months ' shelf life .
17 does n't do this er does n't like this person that does it instead of er Mrs .
18 There is again something about the tone of this minute that strikes me .
19 He had seen things this night that touched him deeply .
20 Now what 's the question you can ask this hairdresser that got his own bus , I know I 'm using a , a an extreme
21 The hour may come within weeks , within days , to-morrow ; and then , before I take the field with the fate of Wales in my hands , I have a need of her and a use for her here ; and then I shall be loosed from this dumbness that binds my tongue , and I shall be able to say to her what needs to be said , and what as yet I can not say .
22 It is this quality that gives them the semblance of life !
23 It is this quality that makes it a commitment type of love which is discerning but not discriminating or demanding .
24 It says in this paper that last they could only
25 More important to me was the need to obey this instinct that warned me to put some distance between us . ’
26 Nevertheless , in reality there are difficulties with this method that limit its use .
27 Is there anything about the preparation of this operation that caused you to dissatisfaction ?
28 There was something about this man that set her pulses racing .
29 In fact , there was quite a lot about this man that bothered her .
30 Mr Sullivan says it was this incident that prompted him to stage the break in .
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