Example sentences of "this [noun sg] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In this case it becomes less a matter of addressing contemporary political problems than of resisting institutional power , namely those critical readings which have recently claimed cultural hegemony , and of providing instead alternative accounts which insist on heterogeneity and resistance in historical texts .
2 I 've never been a fan of compressors for guitars , but in this case it makes quite a lot of difference when it comes to creating and controlling a guitar sound .
3 In this case it did so recognise that connection and Smith had to pay damages .
4 In this instance it mattered little .
5 This does not have to be the value paired with the summary value for X , although in this instance it happens also to be the value for the other South East .
6 All of a sudden , the morning gathering at Mrs Tiverton 's had lost a little of its terror , for just at this instant it seemed less threatening than Mr Aycliffe 's serious face , demanding of her this fatal choice .
7 Last time she wore this suite it looked really nice .
8 With all this variety it becomes almost a truism to say that families exist in all kinds of human society .
9 The membership of SDS grew rapidly from about 4000 in 1965 to some 100,000 three years later , and throughout this period it had much larger numbers of supporters who identified themselves in some way with ‘ the Movement ’ .
10 Because when we took over this room it had actually two extra floors in , one where you see the joists and one higher up .
11 But this morning it had all gone .
12 For a town of this rank it seems almost incredible until we recall that Walsingham enjoyed a lucrative tourist trade as far and away the most popular resort of pilgrimage , the shrine alone deriving an income of £250 a year from the pious offerings of the faithful , compared with the meagre £36 to which that of St Thomas at Canterbury had by then shrunk .
13 It 's , it 's not your fault it 's , I mean there are once you get into this topic it becomes quite a big one .
14 ‘ Swagger ’ , in its earliest , Shakespearean use , conveys insolent pretension , but in this exhibition it refers specifically to conspicuously glamorous likenesses , from Van Dyck in the 1630s to Philip de Laszlo in the 1920s .
15 went missing for about four hours and when it eventually bolted out this hole it run straight up him and curled up to him .
16 Then , this autumn it had all become much worse .
17 For this reason it has always enjoyed a notability out of all relation to its size .
18 To this end it examines critically the assumptions underlying the advocacy of these employment policies .
19 In this way it brings together objectives and resources in order to meet organisational goals .
20 Until this year it had hardly occurred in Latin America since the first world war , when indentured workers stopped arriving from Asia .
21 This year it froze right through and they all spent the afternoon of Christmas Eve sliding on it .
22 This year it has already notched up another 13 murders .
23 Last year it only sold 5,500 houses in 12 months , but this year it has already sold 4,160 houses in the first five months .
24 And I , I ran there and ran back to continue my game , at play like and I heard a , mo , her say to mother well I like your lad to go says th look at this cheese it 's never been unwrapped he said those other lads he says it 's always looks as if it 's been unwrapped and
25 During this time it travels only five times its own length , and the widely spaced propellers allow it to turn in its own length at low speed .
26 There was another babble of chatter , and this time it took longer to quieten .
27 It was just the same thing all over again , except that this time it took twice as long because of the interpreter .
28 Again , there must be some confusion in the perception of self , but this time it relates directly to the perception of size .
29 At the time of its merger with Powick , in the closing stages of the rundown of the latter hospital , the fusing of specialisms was seen to offer many advantages , but by this time it had already been decided to resettle residents in permanent community hostels .
30 This time it had really disappeared and a party was despatched to procure a new length of pole while the remaining villagers continued the search .
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