Example sentences of "this [is] [adv] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is both noun and adjective .
2 This is again money that the health authority provides , it is agreed within joint collaborative committee , consisting of health , er , the County Council , the District Councils , and voluntary bodies .
3 Yeah but yours is drug induced , this is just beauty and , and love your neighbour .
4 This is simply nonsense but , nevertheless , it has been used within the Labour Party to block discussion of organisation in Northern Ireland .
5 This is hardly history but it is the past , and for those of us who are filled with wonder at those days , that past can give a powerful charge to one 's writing .
6 If for all this , the General Staff still performs the lion 's share of staff work , this is hardly evidence that the military lead the Party by the nose in defence matters , either over details or essentials .
7 But what is important here is that where allophonic variation in a phoneme class is discussed in the main handbooks and histories , this is usually variation that leads to a present-day characteristic of the standard variety .
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