Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [conj] he have " in BNC.

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1 He had this trick and he had a blow torch and he burned off all this blokes hair .
2 So I says What we can do is I 'll do an hour for you , we 'll move the piano and other bits , bicycles in this case that he had , we 'll shift them to the house close by , drop two men off , and one man 'll come and do the remainder of the work .
3 Perhaps he was not as far short of solving this case as he had supposed .
4 : Fa A man had to be rescued from the top of Hereford Cathedral this afternoon after he had a heart attack .
5 But he 's been telling members of the Environmental Protection Committee this afternoon that he has every confidence in the steps that Thames Water has taken to prevent an recurrence of the events of eighteen months ago .
6 It was on this board that he had saved so many lives at Waimea .
7 And we and then we had been working for him for about ten or eleven years on this contract that he had for us .
8 An importer or wholesaler will not be able to rely on this defence if he has taken no steps to require his supplier to supply goods which correspond with the relevant legal requirements .
9 And anyway he ca n't , he ca n't actually spend , spend this money unless he 's got
10 and all this money that he 's got , ca n't pay a man a living wage , so but it 's a decent as I say , he 's lucky to be got a job these days .
11 Remember , I 'm giving you this money because he has been a good boy .
12 It was partly because of this experience that he had no hesitation in supporting wholeheartedly the Roskill recommendation to depart from the principle of jury trial in complex fraud cases , against the ( ultimately successful ) Home Office view advocated by Hurd .
13 Erm and he seems to think that er er , because he 's got this freedom and he 's got this street cred that like er , wo women will just fall over him .
14 and he 'd remembered this spiel and he 'd got it word perfect and he 's reeling it off as his one objection
15 Nahum could buy this inn if he 'd a mind . ’
16 The Chancellor has been able to offer this help because he has found some extra money in the Exchequer 's coffers .
17 But Neil Kinnock has endorsed the McNamara line on this issue and he has endorsed the main arguments used to justify it .
18 as well , had a little do with a little boy called Shane , he decided he wanted to come into the story with a , in his blue car , I explained that on the day of the choose he could either come in and have a story or he was to play with the blue car outside , well he had a fit , he 's rattling the door , anyway , I did n't realize there was this childminder that he had with him not er his mum , cos she came and had her sort of say and things
19 He offers no apologies for joining Mike Gatting 's ill-fated tour of the Republic and insists he wo n't be breaking down this winter as he has so often before in England 's colours .
20 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
21 He puts down something like eight guitar tracks using numerous WEM Copicats and what have you , and it 's only when you hear them all together that you realise he 's assembled this sound that he had in his head .
22 Poor Philip was particularly bothered by this symptom because he had perfect pitch and being in the music business used to go over music in his mind most of his waking hours .
23 And then he remembered that it was in exactly this position in exactly this place that he had turned to face Lucy , less than three weeks ago , shouting obscenities at her .
24 In the second category of licentiateship ( that for junior management ) a person is eligible for membership of this grade if he has passed the HCIMA professional Certificate/Diploma programme , or Parts A and B or one of the current examinations listed in the section under members but can not yet meet the experience criteria required for full membership .
25 It was because of the overpowering force of this favouritism that he had chosen to move elsewhere , making the demands of his job the pretext .
26 A child whose mother has just started full-time employment may only be likely to be disturbed by this event if he has also recently lost his father .
27 With one of those insights which showed a mind much subtler than that of many of his contemporaries , he had drawn an analogy between logical positivism and surrealism ; but he told me on this occasion that he had once asked A.J. Ayer , as he then was , what political beliefs were compatible with logical positivism : to which the reply had been , not altogether to his surprise , that they would be decidedly left-wing .
28 For ages he had been meaning to call in at a place down by the Elephant and Castle where they sold gramophone parts , but it was not until this morning that he had finally got around to it .
29 He was found down by the river this morning and he 'd been dead since midnight or before . ’
30 Mark right , he 's got up this morning and he 's gone to Tenby .
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