Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 and I showed him the escape hatch in the cockpit , " open this hatch and get out and get as far away from the aircraft as you can " .
2 The young woodlice hatch in this pouch and stay there for a while .
3 In the Mesozoic there was another great radiation of the crinoids , the typical forms having flexible arms , and it is crinoids of this kind that survive today .
4 So try it this afternoon and see how you get on .
5 I can not stand beside this chairman and say otherwise .
6 He discovered that this talk and barter over food had brought on an almighty appetite .
7 It should be noted that the stages are defined purely for the purposes of this review and do not feature in the National Certificate Catalogue .
8 ‘ Why do n't you just get out of this car and come inside for a long cool drink and a long cool swim and admit defeat ? ’
9 Look at figure 1 at the end of this chapter and cover up the last column .
10 Thus if they are consistently defined as disreputable or respectable , servile or arrogant , they will tend to see themselves in this light and act accordingly .
11 Look , take this sovereign and go down to the station .
12 ‘ Well I am sure Goldington Hall will take you , take this card and go along . ’
13 Somehow the guidebook will always find a chink in this armoury and creep out on the crux move , to wheel and flutter its way to the boulders below .
14 So , I wonder whether er , as ari er , a matter arising out of this , erm er , the director of education could , erm er , perhaps address this issue and put forward a paper to the next education committee .
15 Sainsbury 's regional director , Roger Warren Evans , said : ‘ We are delighted with the tremendous support for this proposal and look forward to progressing the planning application with the local authority . ’
16 I assure him that a good , hard look will be given to this proposal and hang up .
17 Maintain your fitness level during this period but cut out sparring .
18 I am pleased to tell you that Wimborne Publishing — the publishers of Everyday Electronics — have purchased The Modern Amateur Electronics Manual and will continue to market this product and produce bi-monthly updates for it in the way that WEKA previously did .
19 I go through the front room and then I get to this room [ the ‘ breakfast ’ room ] and I do the lunch washing up then , and I wait till they go to bed to put the hoover over this room and polish round .
20 If I have the ammunition for this war and take out you now .
21 All you have to do is drive to this place and hold out a hand in friendship . ’
22 The temptation for teachers to cut off at this point and move on to something easier and less controversial is great , but the real value of RE lies in following the development through .
23 Existing employers and partners can also have a lot to say on this point and do not take kindly to large chunks of their work being removed by an exiting employee .
24 Yet others rebel against this marginalization and demand both the right to perform the full range of police work ( from which follows the wish to carry guns ) and that men should become more involved in dealing with child and female offences .
25 ‘ We are well aware of this danger and do n't blindly accept what people say , ’ states Malcolm Smart .
26 Simmel asserts that many of the attitudes which surround , and were created through the impact of , money as abstraction are most evident when it has not completely achieved its role in transforming its own social context , and where there are still structures which resist this transformation and hark back to a non-monetarized era .
27 Parallel to this education and close round the school , the life of the community goes on — the child plays and is expected to play a very full part in it ; fetching water and firewood , minding little brothers and sisters , running errands , buying and often selling in the market , performing religious duties at Koranic schools , catechist classes or in traditional preparation for circumcision and other initiation ceremonies , alongside all the watching , the imitation , the play , the chit-chat and the ‘ mucking about ’ which is part of growing up everywhere .
28 With a young child the mother will often just know something is seriously wrong and she should trust this knowledge and act accordingly .
29 To everyone else on the list , I 'd ask that we ignore this provocation and get on with business as usual .
30 I disagreed with much of what he had to say , but I welcome him to the House from this Bench and look forward to debating these issues with him on many occasions .
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