Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [pron] have been " in BNC.

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1 The last time she had walked down this lane she had been too anxious about Susan to notice very much .
2 I have put it to the inspector at the claims branch that there must be many cases of this kind which have been settled by local inspectors without so much correspondence ; his reply is that local inspectors are under instruction to pass the cases to claims branch .
3 Notwithstanding problems of this kind there has been undoubted improvement in VDU design and it has been speculated that trade union pressure for high design standards has been a major stimulus to companies marketing their products on the basis of user acceptability . "
4 In this case it has been decided to have a marginal shelf running around the pool about 23 cm ( 9 in ) below the surface — hence the stepped design .
5 Since this case it has been made a criminal offence not to wear a seat belt in the front seat of a car .
6 Northside , y'see , are professionals and follow the policy of always having the crap support band — in this case it 's been themselves .
7 Northside , y'see , are professionals and follow the policy of always having the crap support band — in this case it 's been themselves .
8 Inevitably in this case there has been agreement on matters to do with regulation and standardisation ( the Capital Adequacy Directive ) , which though no doubt treated as a ‘ competition directive ’ is arguably restrictive of it .
9 When the judge called the jury back this afternoon they 'd been considering their verdict for one and a half days .
10 In this instance there has been a remarkable convergence of evidence , from a variety of sources , on the conclusion that temporal visual areas are involved in object recognition .
11 In the subsequent experience of the Church in exercising this ministry there have been many instances of failure , partial , delayed and temporary healing , reminding us that we live with the tension of the ‘ now ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Kingdom .
12 In this study it has been shown by two independent methods that histamine increases the in vitro proliferation of the two gastric tumour cells ; MKN45 and MKN45G but not the two colorectal lines ; C170 and LoVo .
13 In which case why not jettison this religion which has been so harmful to women ? l6
14 In this chapter we 've been looking at two novels which , though they both contain their own particular stylistic innovations , nevertheless stick to the recognised , traditional shape of the novel .
15 Sometimes in this chapter we have been talking about processes , sometimes about artists .
16 Throughout this chapter we have been coming across the coffins of nobles , all of which had repoussé coronets about the grip-plates and three-dimensional gilt copper versions — usually with gilt wooden baubles and remnants of the cap — sitting on the lid .
17 So far in this chapter we have been concerned with the determinants and consequences of collective bargaining structures as they appertain on an inter-country basis at national level .
18 In this chapter we have been looking at the details of the division of labour to which Ella was referring .
19 In this chapter we have been concerned with interpreting patterns of variation in speech communities with reference to the norms that can be shown to exist at varying levels of abstraction and generality .
20 In this chapter we have been concerned with the sharp end of the political process — with the institutions on which rests the job of maintaining order and of enforcing the decisions of the political process , however reached , on any citizens or foreign persons who do not voluntarily accept them .
21 Yet again , throughout this chapter there have been repeated references to the precariousness of the financial position of the District , notwithstanding the introduction of grant-aid under the 1924 Adult Education Regulations .
22 Already in this chapter there has been a discussion of the factors which appear to contribute to varying regional prosperity .
23 In this chapter it has been argued that the uncertainty map can be of great help in managing such a portfolio .
24 So far in this chapter I have been gathering together pieces of analysis .
25 In this chapter I have been concerned to draw out some of the implications for socialist politics of the analysis of capitalist property relations given earlier .
26 But all the way through this chapter I have been asserting just the contrary .
27 this boy who 'd been doing it a few years .
28 At the start of this climb we 'd been uncomfortably hot in the sunshine , but by the end the sun had moved on and the wind had got up .
29 Of this work it has been said …
30 And this issue he had been hard put to it to find a couple of intelligent letters for the correspondence page ; sometimes it seemed that every crackbrain in north-east Norfolk read the PANUP newsletter but that no one else did .
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