Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The pre-conditions of mobility of resources and price-wage stability were set out , and within this framework the effects of altering demand were explained .
2 In a framework of this kind the processes of history are necessarily viewed as a decline from a Golden Age .
3 In this case the crystals in the chamber settle out according to size and density .
4 In this case the probabilities of success and failure are assessed at 0·5 .
5 In this case the probabilities of success and failure are assessed at 0.5 .
6 In this case the objects in the client 's discourse were her money ( which for her existed now as part of a house , now as cash again ) , her children , her husband , her husband 's possible future wife and family .
7 In this case the structures of the two programs were similar , the programs had a similar look and feel even though written in different computer programming languages and this , coupled with the fact that the same person had been involved in the two programs , raised a strong presumption that there had been copying and , hence , an infringement of copyright .
8 Again these rules , like the other secondary rules , define a group of important legal concepts : in this case the concepts of judge or court , jurisdiction and judgment .
9 If sociologists produce their own statistics these too are the product of subjective opinions , in this case the opinions of sociologists .
10 In this case the members of the flight crew live in the bunker , alongside their missiles .
11 In this case the findings of the justices and their reasons , so far as concerns the making of the order for costs , were announced by them in the following terms :
12 Sargent ( 1979 ) generalizes the model to the case in which : with the unrestricted VAR : In this case the restrictions on the γ i 's and the δ i 'S in equation ( 3.51b ) are complicated non-linear functions of the α i 's and β i 's .
13 It is most likely that it had to do with the extra fasts practised by the Pharisees and in this case the disciples of John the Baptist , who may have been mourning the death of their leader .
14 In this case the rocks at the Venera 8 site may be non-basaltic because of the greater distance of this site from Beta Regio .
15 They may report on ‘ four families ’ , ‘ nine children ’ , and give the reasons for referral , in this case the allegations against the parents .
16 Normally , banks are unwilling to use their funds for financing enterprises in other republics and provinces , but it seems that in this case the banks in the more prosperous parts of Yugoslavia had funds in excess of the amounts they were permitted to use for giving credits to their own customers ( Politika , 27 August 1987 ) .
17 In this case The Parks at Oxford .
18 This afternoon the bodies of fifty two year old Roy Prescott and his forty seven year old wife Sue were taken from their cottage in this quiet Oxfordshire village .
19 At this singularity the laws of science and our ability to predict the future would break down .
20 The point is that the psychophysical approach forces you to develop a model of how the system , in this instance the mechanisms of colour discrimination , might work and it is this model that is used to guide the direct physiological measurements .
21 It is well known that isolation in itself , with no sleep loss , can induce hallucinatory experiences , and it seems that in this experiment the effects of sleep loss potentiated the relatively mild levels of isolation imposed on the subjects .
22 In applying this rule the words of the statute will be interpreted according to their natural , ordinary and grammatical meaning , but where such an interpretation produces a manifestly absurd result , the words will be interpreted so as to avoid the absurdity .
23 In discussing this mention the kinds of unacceptable time wasters that , henceforth , you will be resisting .
24 In this gap the outgoings of the company for its normal operations carry on .
25 In this gap the outgoings of the company for its normal operations carry on .
26 For this fragment the rates of dissociation in order of decreasing rate appear to be 6>8>4 = 1 = 5>7 = 3 = 2 .
27 In this process the cans of beans are exchanged for money .
28 In this process the plans of consumers and of resource owners are gradually brought into greater and greater consistency with one another .
29 It is possible to see in a catalogue of this sort the origins of the very exact nomenclature found in many of Mary Leapor 's landscape descriptions ( see chapter three below ) .
30 This is all the more surprising because almost from the start of this period the birthrates of many European countries began to go down .
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