Example sentences of "this [verb] [that] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And there was a lady in the , in his congregation he preached to masses , to thousands and thousands of people , and she came to him , she was , she was annoyed , she was a rather er , well-to-do lady , and she was offended at this this preaching that she had to be born again , and that people had to have this new birth experience .
2 This guarantees that you receive the next 12 issues of Britain 's brightest outdoor magazine filled with all you need to know about where to walk and activity centres , plus there are loads of equipment tests and all the latest news about what 's going on in the countryside .
3 Stirling felt this inferred that he had loosely prattled at a cocktail party , whereas the gatherings referred to were private dinner parties .
4 This assumes that we know what we want to enforce .
5 It used to be thought that , when Offa was styled on occasion in the charters of the period rex Anglorum , this signified that he aspired to lordship over all the Anglo-Saxons or at least to make himself the only king south of the Humber .
6 This says that they satisfy a superposition principle .
7 This stipulated that they had to have no less than 100,000 members " with the signature and number of the election list for each one of them " .
8 This shows that it contains all the genes , not just some of them .
9 Notwithstanding this provision , it is often of some reassurance to a purchaser from the husband if the wife is joined as a party to the contract or to a separate consent to sale form ; this confirms that she knows that vacant possession is to be given and the land charge is to be cancelled and can contain a specific release by the wife of her rights in the property as from the date of sale .
10 Part of the misconception arose because the bones of early humans have often been found with bones of other animals , and it was simplistically assumed that this showed that they had killed and eaten other animals , and had later died amid the remains of previous meals .
11 This showed that we have now implemented the majority of the recommendations while the remainder are either well in hand or about to be tackled .
12 His observational sample of prisoner interviews , although small , had found the PACE codes of practice were followed to the letter and he argued this showed that it required the sanction of the law to effect changes in interview and interrogation techniques .
13 This showed that he had not only been in the Catalina that had sighted the Bismarck but was actually piloting it and had taken avoiding action when the Bismarck opened fire .
14 This requires that we give up foolish , immoral reading , or reading to acquire power , or reading that is self-indulgent .
15 This requires that they get a Manchester userid , which can be obtained via a Manchester representatives at the computing centre at their institution .
16 Davidson ( 1975 ) would even maintain that this requires that they have mastery of a language ; that it is wrong even to think in terms of quasi-beliefs or proto-beliefs when trying to explain even quite complex behaviour of languageless creatures .
17 But does not this suggest that we have only to learn the same lesson over again ?
18 And what , where did this happen that you remember ?
19 This ensures that you do not lose observations made during a costly experiment .
20 This meant that they had now gained a tremendous advantage over the reptiles , even causing the extinction of many of them .
21 This meant that they had often moved to their present jobs away from their previous connections of kin and friends .
22 If there had been only two men holding Alison in the room , this meant that they 'd left her unguarded and she 'd be able to slip away .
23 This meant that we had to find somewhere I could manage on my own and that was centrally located , because I could not walk far .
24 This meant that you had to type everything , including the definitions for forms and reports , making dBFast more primitive in this aspect even than dBASE III Plus !
25 This meant that I walked further than recorded .
26 This meant that I got into the Library .
27 This meant that I had a variety of other ‘ close ones ’ to look after me , and a rota was instituted .
28 This meant that I had , from the beginning , to spend a lot of time with my family while Dawn was learning to sit on my fist .
29 I heard no more on the subject ; and if this meant that I had failed to persuade Eliot to devote precious time to reading the book , I was more relieved than otherwise .
30 Joseph Robinson was aware of what was good for business but he was also a man who prided himself on his love of sport : this meant that he had a responsibility to knowledge and experience .
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