Example sentences of "by those who [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before a successful method for dieting is assumed to have been found it must be realized that the effects were small and that the difference might reflect the greater energy expended by those who ate in the morning .
2 That should go to the rescue workers who took great risks to bring out survivors , the skill of the medical teams and the love expressed by those who cared for the injured and bereaved .
3 The envoy pleaded that there was much to be said for the Duke , to which Gustavus replied that there was much to be said for lice by those who cared for them .
4 It is generally referred to as the House of Canmore , though Canmore was originally only a nickname — Malcolm ‘ the Great Head ’ — not bestowed in any complimentary sense by those who suffered under his notorious rages and lust for war .
5 With the declaration of the Schuman Plan in May 1950 , European union was to acquire a new momentum and dimension , one that would proceed on a narrower front with the involvement of only a few countries , and in policy terms with a much more specific focus than that held by those who dreamed of European political federation .
6 Indeed , an important element in the BUF was provided by those who came to fascism from outside the traditional party spectrum and who had little or no previous political experience .
7 We need to construct our histories through examining the records left by those who went before us , not in a blunderingly literal-minded fashion that sees fictional texts as factual ‘ evidence ’ , but by studying how texts mediate the contradictions and challenges faced by those who carried a homosexual identity through a heterosexual world .
8 Most recently , the Cadbury Committee said that it was not persuaded by those who called for such a limitation .
9 It would seem to be doubtful whether a fall of this magnitude was commensurate with the effort put in by those who called for a boycott , that is , Provisional Sinn Fein , I RSP , Unity and Fathers Faul and Murray .
10 It may do this to prevent the securities affiliate from being sued by those who invested in Company X on the basis of its negligent advice .
11 Hundreds of people were arrested and imprisoned , or summarily executed , because their ideas or sympathies were considered " wrong " by those who happened to be in local control .
12 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
13 If there is regret over the failure of Resolution 242 as a blueprint for peace , which had seemed so promising in 1967 , there are grounds for even greater regret that the 1949 ( IVth ) Geneva Convention has not been vigorously upheld by those who claimed to be seeking a basis for peace .
14 He had the reputation of a kindly man , much respected by those who worked for him .
15 Ebullient , sociable , and respected even by those who disagreed with his political views , Hannington 's work in the AEU was rewarded in 1938 with the Tolpuddle award , the top award of Britain 's trade-union movement , and the AEU 's special award of merit in 1962 .
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