Example sentences of "by a [noun] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I was advised by a friend that it would n't be quite the thing to go in raincoat and wellies !
2 The conditions under which women , particularly married women , acquire maintenance from the state are determined not by a desire to maintain their incentives to take waged work , but by a concern that they will continue their unwaged work for caring for their families .
3 Nicky Henderson 's Mr Gossip justified favouritism and made a winning debut over fences in the second division of the Misletoe Novice Chase but it was only by a head that he got home from Bit Of A Clown , with Bronze Final a head away third .
4 No action was taken but Warrington general manager Ron Close said : ‘ We have looked closely at the video and it looks as if Jones might have deliberately kicked Bob , who has been told by a specialist that he came within an eighth of an inch of losing the eye .
5 First , the mere statement by a constable that he did anticipate that there might be a breach of the peace is clearly not enough .
6 Instead , each observer would have his own measure of time as recorded by a clock that he carried : clocks carried by different observers would not necessarily agree .
7 Therefore , at the end of " Matters arising " a brief announcement by a member that he intends to raise some item — no discussion allowed at that stage — helps everyone when A.O.B. is reached .
8 He was driven by a devil that he never knew but he never stopped fighting , a maker of his own myths , Celtic , Faustian , an Icarus and a Don Juan , coming out from his beloved Wales like a mystical warrior to rove the world for conquests , forever unsettled , forever daring .
9 Maria was gripped by a conviction that she would never be safe again , in the sense that Luke had used the word — and it was less he who threatened her than the strength of her own feelings .
10 Ever since James brought me the clothes of that unfortunate young girl , I have been beset by a conviction that I failed to notice something of importance . ’
11 As happened in their life together , Felix was humbled for a flash by a sense that she had caught something he had missed : something wild in the air Stephen had brought with him .
12 The family had gathered to mourn the death of Thomas Grenfell , weighed down by the shame of losing all his money , overcome by a sickness that he had no will to resist .
13 Hence , the horse may spend the day avoiding mature people , and then find to its surprise that it has been caught by a child-foal that it had not perceived as possessing such ability .
14 Mr Sweeney said it was decided by a vote that he should be told the meeting wanted him to reconsider his decision .
15 Their discovery helped overthrow the medieval concept of the Solar System and a few decades later , by a method that I shall not describe , observations of Io led to the first determination of the speed of light , which until then was thought by many philosophers to be infinite .
16 As well as being mysterious the wind is powerful : it was by a mighty wind that God assuaged the waters of the Flood ( Gen. 8 : 1 ) , and by a wind that he caused the waters to recede before Israel at the Exodus ( Exod. 14:21 ) .
17 ‘ What is it ? ’ he said , watching her and flooded by a feeling that he had not expected .
18 Initiatives such as the Montreal speech and even the withdrawal from NATO were motivated in part by a feeling that he could not trust his successors to do the necessary .
19 Defries stood up , the pain in her chest overwhelmed by a feeling that she recognized as panic .
20 The truth of the matter was that even before she had agreed to take over the club she had been plagued more and more by a feeling that she had done all she could do in the music business .
21 Lee 's spontaneous remark could have been followed by a suggestion that he tried to sort the vans from the other vehicles in the garage , or he could have been encouraged to watch vans travelling outside the school .
22 Even if the money is paid in the action accompanied by a declaration that it is paid without prejudice to the payer 's right to recover it , the payment is a voluntary payment , and the transaction is closed .
23 Even if the money is paid in the action accompanied by a declaration that it is paid without prejudice to the payer 's right to recover it , the payment is a voluntary payment , and the transaction is closed .
24 Neurotics may appear to be concerned for others , but this is based on unconscious hostility towards someone , so that their concern that someone may die , or fall very ill unless some particular action of their own is done or not done , really masks an unconscious wish for their death : ‘ … the original wish that the loved person may die is replaced by a fear that he may die ’ .
25 Haunted by a fear that I have forgotten to stock up on one of the essentials of life but can not think what it is .
26 A good indication of what was passing through his mind in the aftermath of Barricades Week is provided by a letter that he wrote to his son in mid-February : " we had to be done with the impertinent pressure of the European population in Algiers , with the hard core of politicians which was forming in the army , and finally with the myth of " French Algeria " which merely disguises the desire of the " pieds noirs " to maintain their domination over the Muslims …
27 I , I get the feeling that because they do n't really know especially if you 're caught pissing around in quad , yeah , and er it 's by a teacher that you do n't know , a ma or a master or something they do n't pay much attention to it because you 're a girl and they do n't know you and I get that feeling anyway , I feel slightly like we c could actually get away with more .
28 For the next few days I was horribly inactive , gripped by a lethargy that I could not for the life of me understand .
29 Kurt Koch tells the story of a thirteen-year-old girl who was told by a palmist that she would die in her thirtieth year .
30 This research was stimulated by a recognition that we might have a rare opportunity , through being granted privileged access to assault victims in a busy hospital accident and emergency department , to study serious assaults which may or may not have been reported to the police and , therefore , the definition of which as crimes is still open to question .
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