Example sentences of "by [verb] him [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hugh 's last scruples about seeing him cut out of the will were satisfied by writing him a personal letter of appeal .
2 Again Heston held a good deal of creative control over the enterprise , and made his point to Caulfield by writing him a firm letter telling him to be on time or else .
3 Keele University acknowledged Michael Akehurst 's position as one of the foremost international lawyers of his time by awarding him a personal chair in February 1989 .
4 It would be a tragic error to buy this man out of Kuwait by awarding him the starring role in Arab dealings with Israel .
5 But Warren is prepared to meet Hodkinson halfway by paying him a further £25,000 — provided he beats McMillan but he will have to offer the WBO champion the same .
6 As Professor Housman used to say , ‘ Stand on a barrel in the streets of Baghdad and say twice two are four and ginger is hot in the mouth and therefore Mohammed is the prophet of God , and it is unlikely that anyone would question your reasoning ; but if he should be bold enough to do so , you could easily silence him by calling him a Christian dog . ’
7 At the government-controlled newspaper Izvestia , the staff threatened to go on strike when their editor , who is a Kravchenko-like conservative , tried to get rid of his liberal deputy by giving him a cushy job as Madrid correspondent .
8 Richard , however , had already made overtures of friendship to the Sicilian king and cemented this by giving him a rich and generous gift — Excalibur , the magical sword of King Arthur .
9 Once you are on the course , be positive and give your horse the best chance at each obstacle , by giving him a good approach to each one and plenty of encouragement with the legs ( and voice and whip if need be ) .
10 Daughter of the Queen Igrayne and half-sister to King Arthur , she revealed to him the intrigue between Lancelot and Guinevere by giving him a magic draught which opened his eyes to the perfidy .
11 The Manchester-based Alsecure team have backed McGuigan by giving him a free drive in the rally , plus an attempt at next year 's British Championship , but experienced co-driver Allan Whittaker is cautious about the Irishman 's chances .
12 Suppose every time one of your subordinates turns in completed work ahead of time you react by giving him a whole load more , what may happen ?
13 A waiter bounced back by handing him a molten soup-plate .
14 Think of the princess in The Arabian Nights , for instance , who distracted the king from his evil intentions for one thousand and one nights , by telling him a different story every night .
15 By leaving him a half share in the house , I feel I am achieving two objects .
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