Example sentences of "by [verb] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By articulating and then exploring these assumptions we discover the cultural and institutional process which has helped to create and sustain these canons .
2 As Zachar ( 1982 ) has described , the poor cohesiveness of loess soils , due to the paucity of binding colloids , means that they are characterised by high erodibility which is made worse by leaching that rapidly removes cations like calcium and magnesium .
3 Auer did , in fact , produce such fine raised patterns that Austrian government representatives found the resemblance so close ‘ that they took them to be real lace , until , by touching and closely examining them , they convinced themselves that they were the production of the printing press ’ .
4 However , the studies also indicate a note of caution : Cohn and Daro conclude by suggesting that perhaps putting all resources into intervention after the fact does not make sense and that intervention should take place at a much earlier preventive stage .
5 A complaint was made to the industrial tribunal by Mrs Gunning that Mirror Newspapers had unlawfully discriminated against her in relation to ‘ employment ’ by refusing or deliberately omitting to offer her employment contrary to Section 6(1) ( c ) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 .
6 in the way she is afforded access to opportunities for promotion , transfer or training or by refusing or deliberately omitting to afford her access to any such opportunities ; or
7 When Richard did not respond to his greeting except by frowning and then turning away , Hugh remained undismayed .
8 The difficulty in transferring contracts arises because the basic rule is that the vendor can not be excused from the burden of its contractual obligations by assigning or otherwise purporting to transfer to the purchaser the obligation to perform the duties it has undertaken under a particular contract .
9 Introducing the broad outlines of an economic programme marking a new direction for Brazil , Haddad said on Dec. 31 that the fight against inflation , currently running at an annualized rate of about 1,500 per cent , took second place to plans to improve living standards by doubling and possibly quadrupling the minimum wage and creating 4,000,000 new jobs over the next two years through selective economic development .
10 They were then further riveted , welded , or soldered and various parts strengthened even further by doubling or even trebling the rings .
11 The lama noticed that as the ape rushed into the attack , the crane would defend by evading and then retaliate with its wings .
12 ‘ Any sponsor would have to realise that although I might lose an occasional race when I could have won , I am able to run far more races and to winy many , only because I do n't put myself under any pressure by expecting or even wanting to win .
13 I just like to start off by saying and just reminding the council well in particular Mr in light of what he said that he does n't understand what Mr is on about , well he 's never understood the issue of the merger in Highfields .
14 An obese person can strive to overcome such feelings by overeating and so gaining size , weight and ( subjectively speaking ) importance .
15 He also died by labouring the Windows strategy that we can all repeat like the Lord 's Prayer and by demoing that well known object-oriented tool ( NOT ! )
16 The king did not attempt to achieve this by overthrowing or even modifying the constitution , for which he had a sincere and perhaps exaggerated respect .
17 If you rent your TV and video you can save money by suspending or even cancelling your contract for the period you are away .
18 A proclamation was issued in 1718 against " unlawful Clubs , Combinations , etc. " of wool combers and weavers : … which had illegally presumed to use a Common Seal , and to act as Bodies Corporate , by making and unlawfully conspiring to execute certain Bylaws or Orders , whereby they pretend to determine who had a right to the Trade , what and how many Apprentices and Journeymen each man should keep at once , together with the prices of all their Manufactures , and the manner and materials of which they should be wrought ; and that , when many of the said Conspiritors wanted work , because their Masters would not submit to such pretended Orders and unreasonable Demands , they fed them with Money , till they could again get employment , in order to oblige their masters to employ them for want of other hands .
19 One might argue , indeed , that his departure from power was a blessing in disguise for him , because it left others with the disagreeable but unavoidable job of extricating France from this cul-de-sac , by recognizing a powerful West German state and ultimately accepting German rearmament , by fighting and then retreating from a bloody colonial conflict in Indochina .
20 Mainstream criticism responds by claiming that both form and content are fictional .
21 First he has enriched our geometric imagination by recognising and systematically exploring a wide range of fractal shapes to augment the familiar ( Euclidean ) circle , triangle , sphere , cube , etc .
22 Not only does the state with the help and reinforcement of its control agencies , criminologists , and the media conceptualize a particular and partial ideological version of serious crime and who commits it , but it does so by concealing and hence mystifying its own propensity for violence and serious crimes on a much larger scale .
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