Example sentences of "by [noun] of [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 The practical work of establishing comparability is undertaken by groups of experts from each member state .
2 The chain armour had to be improved to protect the knight against arrows : in western Europe in the eleventh century the powerful crossbow came to be used , and the crusading armies constantly found themselves rained on by showers of arrows from mounted Turkish archers .
3 Further investigations by teams of scientists from all over the world have since laid the blame on man-made chlorinated substances that remain in the atmosphere for 100 years or more , where they destroy ozone .
4 At the obvious root of this discord lie personal ambitions fostered or thwarted by cliques of activists from the local branches involved in the selection of candidates .
5 But , baked by summer , the earth and rock round Famagusta had resisted digging , and the sappers themselves had been depleted by storms of arrows from longbows and crossbows ; by the methodical firing of handguns and serpentines .
6 Fighting has been accompanied by massacres of civilians from the ‘ wrong ’ tribe .
7 Illustrate by means of examples from your own bank .
8 The course of a cholera epidemic , for instance , can be reported and its causes investigated by means of excerpts from documents written by people at the time .
9 If Target pays Newco only the economic value of the group relief , £33 , then the remaining interest of £67 must be funded by payments of dividends from Target to Newco .
10 Once Newco commences paying dividends , these should be funded by payments of dividends from Target outside the group income election , so that Target must account for ACT , but Newco will receive franked investment income , the tax credit attaching to which can be used to frank its own ACT liability when it pays dividends to its shareholders .
11 He also recovered £600 by way of damages from Captain Lake .
12 In that case a father made absolute gifts to his unmarried minor children by way of payments from time to time into Post Office savings bank accounts and the purchase of Defence Bonds in their names .
13 These binocular cells can be made to fire by impulses arriving by way of fibres from either eye but there is normally a bias in favour of one eye or the other , the so-called ocular dominance of the cell .
14 How many additional votes it might receive by way of transfers from other parties is quite unpredictable : relatively fewer than the Progressive Democrats , one might surmise , because the distinction between political parties is sharper here than in Ireland , and voters could therefore prove more reluctant to give lower preferences to any but the party they most favour .
15 Under s16 of the Legal Aid Act 1988 , if the Legal Aid Board suffers a deficiency in respect of an assisted person 's proceedings ( ie they have paid more to the assisted person 's legal advisers than they have received by way of costs from the other side and from contributions paid ) the statutory charge may attach to money or property " recovered " or " preserved " that has been " in issue " in the course of proceedings .
16 He was also convicted of five counts of obtaining property by deception , namely sums of money by way of fees from Mr. Burt and another man named Hughes , contrary to section 15(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , the deception being that he had done certain accountancy work for those persons who were both small businessmen , when in truth he had not .
17 He does n't like girls , but is fond of reading and has to be summoned by relays of hand-bells from his chief joy , the herb-garden . ’
18 The natural chemistry , complicated by run-off of sediments from a variety of lands , is correspondingly complex .
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