Example sentences of "by [adv] [num] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 But the result of the intensive programming over the same six years lowered coronary death rate by only 7 per cent , when they were needed .
2 Details of a report by the Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche ( WIIW — the Vienna Institute for International Comparative Economics ) , published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung of April 19 , 1990 , showed that industrial production in member states of COMECON had risen by only 1.2 per cent in 1989 — the lowest ever recorded .
3 with the recession of the 1980s , however , agricultural production grew by only 1.6 per cent from 1981 to 1984 ( ECLAC/FAO ) 1985 ) .
4 Overall output grew by only 1.6 per cent , to 5,120,000 tonnes , the fall in Malaysian production being more than off-set by Thai , Indian and Chinese supplies .
5 Based on 1648 sites , average concentrations of TSP decreased by only 1 per cent from 1982 to 1989 , reflecting a similar change in total national emissions of particulates ( figure 8.8 ) .
6 Failure in the quadruple module , even by only 1 per cent , meant all four credits were lost .
7 Expenditure on education would increase by 5.7 per cent , on the environment by 13 per cent , on research by 5.7 per cent and on defence by only 1 per cent .
8 The USA , however , had increased its purchases from Japan by only 1 per cent , while selling 0.3 per cent more goods to Japan .
9 Gross domestic product ( GDP ) increased by only 0.4 per cent and inflation increased to 13 per cent .
10 Overall , the Conservative lead increased between 1986 and June 1987 by only 5 per cent amongst party supporters , but by 18 per cent amongst the uncommitted .
11 The devaluation of the inti for the month of October was restricted to 6 per cent overall ; exporters were to receive 10 per cent of the value of their exports in foreign currency and 45 per cent in freely redeemable US dollar certificates , while the remaining 45 per cent would be paid in intis at the single exchange market rate ; import restrictions were eased ; to protect the silver sector against the continuing slump in prices since 1989 on the world market , the Central Reserve Bank was to buy silver at 5 per cent over the current market price ; fuel prices would rise by only 5 per cent in October , and public utility rates by less than the percentage rise in salaries , which themselves would be increased in accordance with inflation .
12 The budget projected total expenditure in 1992-93 to rise by only 5 per cent ( i.e. less than inflation ) to Rs1,190,000 million .
13 A small group of wealthy men were responsible for the day-to-day management of community affairs , and owned a disproportionate share of the property — some 40 per cent being owned by only 5 per cent of the inhabitants .
14 A deal with Labour was preferred by only eight per cent .
15 showed that the number of full-time male employees of local authorities increased by only 13 per cent during the critical period of 1964–74 while the number of part-time women in local authority employment rose by 86 per cent during the same period .
16 An opinion poll in May showed ANAP to be supported by only 13 per cent of the electorate , trailing behind the three main opposition parties .
17 Between 1979 and 1989 those at the highest decile ( ie those earning more than 90 per cent and less than 10 per cent of the population ) increased their real income by 36.6 per cent whereas those at the lowest decile ( ie those earning more than 10 per cent and less than 90 per cent of the population ) who increased their real income by only 5.7 per cent .
18 Defence spending was increased by only 4 per cent , which , given a rate of inflation of around 12 per cent , represented a cut in real terms .
19 The year saw an increase of 15 per cent in such applications , while the fund rose by only 4 per cent .
20 In Germany , while profits in industry have increased by 206 per cent since 1980 , wages have gone up by only 45 per cent .
21 Miti also claimed that in the past five years Japan 's imports from its 10 largest trading partners had increased by 96 per cent , while exports had risen by only 45 per cent .
22 With prices rising by only 4.8 per cent in each year , this implied considerable real wage increases and a sharp fall in profitability .
23 Yet by extending the line to Plymouth and Torbay the passenger revenue could be doubled , while the length of the line would be increased by only 34 per cent .
24 Since manufacturing productivity rose by only 2.9 per cent a year between 1962 and 1964 , this implied some combination of higher inflation and lower profitability .
25 Likewise , the promise to cut administrative costs by 14 per cent over four years will play well in Peoria , as long as nobody notices that the federal staff is being reduced by only 4.7 per cent ( and those who go need pensions and benefits from the Treasury , still . )
26 During the period 1961–74 , according to Bacon and Eltis , the ratio of non-industrial to industrial employment changed by 33.9 per cent in favour of the non-industrial sector in the UK , and by only 18.6 per cent in France , with the other industrial countries showing lower percentage changes .
27 ( The method considered to be the next fairest — flat-rate charge per person — was preferred by only 14 per cent . )
28 US officials said that imports from China had increased by 42 per cent in the first six months while US exports to China had risen by only 18.4 per cent , and the US trade deficit with China was expected to rise to US$15 billion .
29 The average performances of the general and the domain-specific dictionaries are extremely close ( they differ by only two per cent ) .
30 If correct — and Samuel says a second Soviet team has independently arrived at the same figure — it lowers the previous estimate by only one per cent .
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