Example sentences of "by [adv] [v-ing] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 It should be a condition , for anyone thinking about development to resist trying to infer how a structure develops by only looking at the final result .
2 We can not tell which it was by merely looking at the facts ; we have to ask what his purpose actually was .
3 Yes , all that rhythm , one day you have it the next you do n't , and er Lawrence has certainly got it today , you can tell by just looking at a bowler running in , if he 's easy and relaxed , Lawrence I suppose never really looks relaxed when he 's belting into bowl , but he 's clicked he 's , he 's right at the crease .
4 ARE we missing anything by just looking at the obvious ?
5 If a material behaves according to Stokes ' Law then , by repeatedly sampling at a fixed depth below the surface progressively finer and finer sediments are present at the sampling depth .
6 Every time that sexual intercourse takes place with a new partner there is a risk that some disease will be passed on from one to the other and , with rare exceptions , there is no way of telling , by simply looking at a person , whether they have an infection or not .
7 Thus it is an open system rather than a closed one and its behaviour can not be understood by simply looking at the relationship between inputs and outputs .
8 Alternatively , a fairly shrewd idea can be obtained by simply looking at the back .
9 The majority of archaeological finds are broken , damaged or decayed , and it is usually difficult to envisage what a site looked like in its heyday by simply looking at the excavated remains .
10 And he concluded proceedings by almost screaming at an astonished Mrs Ann Clwyd who had been teasing him ; it was a burst of rage that rocked his high chair .
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