Example sentences of "by [pron] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 The extent of Britain 's interest can be gauged by its response to the invitation : it sent only a civil servant to the preliminary discussions on a common market , and he eventually withdrew completely in November 1955 .
2 I suggested in 4.3 that foundationalism should be defined by its response to the regress argument :
3 The fall of the Singh government was ultimately brought about by its response to the long-running " temple-mosque " dispute at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh [ see below ] .
4 I found the burn mark on my thigh by its roughness to the touch … not by any pain or discomfort .
5 Another cantata which can be dated 1649 by its reference to the execution of Charles I , La Fortuna ( ‘ Alla ruota , alla benda ’ ) , is much more varied and more typical in form :
6 Then another diver dragged the shark by its tail to the beach at Lantana , Florida , where it was shot dead by a policeman .
7 Government policy has signally failed to do this and the result is a profession which is demoralised by its responibility to the children , to parents , and to a host of bodies and organisations , all of whom want their ‘ say ’ .
8 A situation would arise in which the very order which is the objective of law would have to be violated in order to achieve that objective , and this is unacceptable since international law is not an end in itself , but an instrument to be justified largely by its contribution to the limitation of violence .
9 The other two three-figure groups are fixed each in its own wing by its adjustment to the slope of the cornice .
10 The most common version is illustrated by its evidence to the Monopolies Commission of 1968 and repeated recently to the Royal Commission on Legal Services :
11 In Freudian terms these would be clear symbols of the fear of castration , but the laws of classical psychoanalytic interpretation are bent and broken in Such , and if anything it is the concept of the castration complex itself that is mutilated by its subjection to the laws of physics .
12 Increasingly it is turning away from its relative isolation and facing towards the rest of Europe , a move symbolized by its accession to the European Economic Community on 1 January 1986 ( and in quite another sense by its debates concerning its membership of the NATO alliance ) .
13 This led the Chilean Communist party to lose substantial support by its opposition to the short-lived Socialist Republic declared by Colonel Marmaduke Grove in June 1932 .
14 Lonrho 's ethics have been publicly queried in the past , so many in Whitehall are galled to see it cast on the side of the angels by its opposition to the Al Fayeds , after they had thwarted Lonrho 's own designs on Harrods .
15 Eros love is typified by its appeal to the physical senses , therefore is closely associated with sex .
16 If we strip it of the insulation apparently provided by its appeal to the technology of literacy , we will expose the same ethnocentric claims and uncritical faith in the observer 's own ways of thinking .
17 In every enchaînement each step an/or pose must be given its appropriate value by way of beginning , climax and end so that its place is justified by its importance to the whole sentence .
18 Only municipal socialism offered any coherent alternative , but this was limited by its restriction to the local level ; the balance of power went against it and it has now been thrown back .
19 There were , however , very strong Gascon objections to the performance of feudal services by their duke to the French crown .
20 Or , and this is the near-certain probability , constrained by their accountability to the membership , the trade union representatives would not accept the duties of ownership along with the rights , could not ‘ change sides ’ .
21 Nowhere has there been a greater example of ordinary men and women witnessing to their faith by their service to the neighbourhood .
22 My Group was anxious that all teachers should understand and think about the ideological assumptions implied by their approach to the teaching of English , for this is one way to overcome dogmatism .
23 The achievements of the Communists and their Comintern helpers in the purely military sphere , as exemplified by their contribution to the formation of the Republican Popular Army , were considerable ; if they created little likelihood of a Republican victory , certainly they postponed its defeat .
24 The literary interest of the family is indicated by their relationship to the poets Robert Bridges , Arthur Hugh Clough , and Winthrop Mackworth Praed [ qq.v . ] .
25 ( 2 ) The solicitors agree that exchange shall take place from that moment and holding solicitors confirm that as from that moment : ( a ) they hold the part signed by their client to the order of the other ; and ( b ) undertake that day to post by first-class post or to deliver their signed part of the contract to the other solicitors , together , in the case of the buyer 's solicitor holding both parts , with a bank draft or a solicitor 's clients ' account cheque for the deposit .
26 The royal couple 's prestige was further damaged by their devotion to the ‘ holy man ’ Rasputin .
27 The ‘ fashion ’ phase of recent years seems to be over , and it is clear that planners have to justify their place in the agency by their value to the agency and its clients .
28 The Irish people are defined primarily by their allegiance to the present restricted or future enlarged republic , but it is popularly understood that they will normally have the further characteristics of Gaelic Irishness .
29 However , from experiments using thromboxane synthetase inhibitors it appears that when platelets are activated and the prostaglandin cascade is triggered by release of endogenous arachidonic acid then the endoperoxides generated exert their proaggregatory effects by their conversion to the more potent compound thromboxane A 2 .
30 The requirement for shareholder consent , either by resolution or , formally , by their consent to the delegation of final decision-making power to the board , maintains the surface integrity of the ownership model , though certainly at least in the latter case shareholder consent is more hypothetical than real .
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