Example sentences of "by [art] [noun] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , refusal to cooperate would have been perceived by the professionals as reinforcing the latter 's initial perceptions .
2 Although the interpretation of Article 3 of the Directive , which is rejected by the Court but which is the one embodied in Regulation 5 of the UK Regulations , is characterised by the Court as threatening ‘ the fundamental rights of the worker ’ to choose for whom he or she will work , the Court 's interpretation is phrased in negative terms .
3 Philip Gould nudged stony-faced Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega out of army fatigues and into cowboy boots ; the same Philip Gould was described by The Times as having ‘ helped save the Labour Party more than £500,000 at the last election ’ .
4 In addition , it was generally felt by the European as opposed to American contingent at the Ribera conference in Naples in May , that ‘ The sense of smell ’ from Oslo was probably by Falcone ( although this is in the Prado show as by Ribera ) and the ‘ Portia ’ is by Luca Giordano ( excluded ) .
5 Nonetheless the parties may stand or fall by the evidence as disclosed in their witness statements , although a witness will always be free to give evidence in relation to new matters which have arisen since the statement was served on the other party .
6 In 1979 he published a paper showing that the perception evoked by stimulating the skin or the neural pathway between the skin and the cortex was reported by the subject as occurring a few hundred milliseconds before the cortical ERP was sufficiently complete to generate that perception .
7 He 's mentioned in dispatches in a message to seven MPs , including George Galloway , Bernie Grant and Tony Benn , addressed by the committee as follows : ‘ Dear Friends : Thank you for your interest in the Geneva conference arranged for 3 and 4 April , but we regret that this has been postponed to allow discussions to take place elsewhere .
8 On Friday the Law Lords in Edinburgh refused a Timex company management application for a ban on meetings taking place near the factory gates — interpreted by the union as paving the way for a show of force which will test the nerve of the company and its new recruits who daily run the gauntlet of jeering pickets and supporters .
9 The definition of an inn is to be found in s.1(3) of the HPA 1956 — ‘ an establishment held out by the proprietor as offering food , drink and , if so required , sleeping accommodation , without special contract , to any traveller presenting himself who appears able and willing to pay a reasonable sum for the services and facilities provided and who is in a fit state to be received ’ .
10 Perhaps the first , and in the end the most lasting , impression that one carries away , is of the contrast between the golden-cream light and space and the exquisite feeling of harmony engendered by the ceiling as opposed to the deep blue darkness and turmoil of the ‘ Last Judgment ’ .
11 Not counted as ‘ work time ’ are periods described by the housewife as spent in leisure occupations watching television , reading and so on .
12 However , the papers are unified by a common factor : they all draw on a body of writing and thinking — with admittedly elastic boundaries — which is not taken seriously by the mainstream as having anything to offer philosophy .
13 Although perceived by the public as harming the B-70 project , the cancellation of the boron fuel brought about benefits .
14 There are several types of shares that can be issued by the firm as specified in the memorandum and articles of association .
15 Fishing fleets which are presently identified by the US as using drift-nets include Japan , South and North Korea , Taiwan and France — the latter being added to the list as the ban was announced .
16 Once the interviews were underway , the majority of pupils could not be identified by the interviewees as belonging to a particular school .
17 In that context we should therefore be grateful that our own dear CAA has delegated the regulation of homebuilding in the UK to the Popular Flying Association ; but I still ca n't help feeling that the list of types approved by the PFA as reproduced in this book is ultraconservative .
18 But information may be treated by the speaker as given for a variety of other reasons .
19 This is a Bill certified by the Speaker as containing only provisions relating to the imposition , repeal or regulation of taxation , the imposition or variation of charges on the consolidated fund , etc. , supply , the appropriation , receipt , custody , issue or audit of accounts of public money , the raising or guarantee of any loan or the repayment thereof , or subordinate matters incidental to any of the above topics .
20 In fact these groupings are shown by the survey as having fairly characteristic woodlands .
21 The court took the view that since the contract was formed at the reception desk , the notice in the bedroom did not form part of the contract , thus it could not be relied upon by the hotel as excluding liability .
22 The Mercantile Marine Act 1850 was seen by the government as dealing with the other side of the problem — that of raising the standard of British seamen and seamanship and of protecting the seamen themselves from the tyranny of their officers and the depredations of the shipowners .
23 About 250 of them , later branded by the government as paid extremists , broke through a cordon of soldiers to rampage through the NSF headquarters , cornering Deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican-Voiculescu in his office for four hours before soldiers managed to restore order .
24 The Code has been recognised by the courts as establishing objective standards of fairness towards minority shareholders which they will take into account when exercising their own discretion under , for example , CA 1985 , s430C or s459 .
25 Hunger and poverty , the main reasons for their poaching , are not treated by the courts as extenuating circumstances .
26 This expression has been widely interpreted by the courts as meaning anyone responsible for putting into circulation a product which is not reasonably safe .
27 The definite Art Nouveau style and the somewhat shaky signature are regarded by the gallery as indicating a date after 1900 .
28 The proposals accepted by the majority as flowing from these principles provided for fifty-eight unitary authorities with populations increasing in a steady progression from 195,000 ( Halifax ) to 1,081,000 ( Sheffield and South Yorkshire ) .
29 When everybody is for clean air and against pollution [ it is indeed ] difficult politically to vote for any amendment that would be characterized by the press as weakening the bill .
30 The video itself was warmly received by Jochen Medau , and is seen by the Society as illustrating very well one aspect , of the many facets , of our work .
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