Example sentences of "at her [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Surely a man of the cloth would n't look at her with the same sort of craving as James Halden .
2 As Molly put down the telephone , she saw Jacqueline , her mouth full of dough , staring at her with the large , accusing eyes of an Oxfam poster .
3 The waiter , a cocky Italian who flicked his buttocks at her at the least opportunity , eyed her patronisingly and made attempts to chat her up in feeble English .
4 He was still gazing at her across the warm fog of the coffee bar .
5 He gazed back at her across the stained table with appalled eyes , linked to her by that bloodstained gurgle of water which was gushing through both their minds , sharing the same dreadful imagining of that silently emerging figure , the raised and bloody knife .
6 He looked at her for the first time with real unease .
7 He looked at her for the first time since the beginning ; her head was still turned away , her hands over her face ; she had shown no further response to anything he had done .
8 As she turned to wait for me at the end of the path , I felt I was looking at her for the first time : her face paler than her arms , a blonde shadow on her upper lip , no lipstick .
9 Infected by his laughter the wife of the younger mandarin smiled , and Joseph looked at her for the first time .
10 Cheryl looked at her for the first time .
11 He shrugged , leaning back in his chair , smiling at her for the first time with that devastating smile which made her heart beat faster .
12 He looked at her for the first time and saw the tears on her cheeks that were glistening in the starlight .
13 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
14 He stared at her through the flickering shadows .
15 Lydia blinked at her through the misty light of the headlamps .
16 She stirred against him , and he mistook it for something like the small movements of a child asleep , and smiled down at her through the slow current of perfume rising from her black , turmoiled hair ; but she was awake and brought her head up , drawing away from him a little , looking at him , so that he had to hide his smile quickly , because it was n't something he had meant her to see .
17 The face loomed up out of the darkness and leered at her through the rain-soaked glass .
18 She 'd bent down to pick up the purchases at her feet , and as she rose again she 'd caught sight of a face she knew , looking straight at her through the moving mesh of people .
19 He stared at her in the poor light that filtered through a tiny window above the door .
20 They looked at her in the flickering light of the matches .
21 The somebody bent down , peering at her in the gloomy first light .
22 She went over to the shelf where she had left her drink , and stared down in dismay at the overturned glass , the shards of crystal glinting wickedly up at her in the dim light .
23 Silas stood still to stare at her in the dim light .
24 She sees that Harriet is quietly gazing at her in the red firelight .
25 Her reflection looked up at her from the dark water .
26 When a few minutes later , amid the oohs and aahs from the three women , she stood and looked at the person staring back at her from the long mirror , she could n't believe it was herself .
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