Example sentences of "at a time when [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , £6 billion worth of foodstuffs that could be produced in Britain are imported — at a time when land is still being taken out of production for ‘ set-aside ’ .
2 When Uncle Walter inherited the estate , he had to sell the land around to pay for Julian 's outstanding gambling debts , at a time when land values were constantly falling .
3 In the early 1980s , at a time when manufacturing industry was collapsing and the outlook for the unskilled looked particularly bleak , frustration boiled over in a series of riots in London , Bristol , Birmingham , Liverpool , and elsewhere .
4 He also obtained the ends of newspaper rolls from Peckham Press , at a time when cartridge paper was rationed , and encouraged his pupils to draw on a large scale .
5 Now , at a time when recession has badly hit ad hoc charter revenues , the Royal Mail reorganisation has thrown this sector of the industry into chaos .
6 He presented ‘ … a very gloomy picture of adult education in this county … ’ : the number of classes had declined from thirty-five in 1937–38 to twenty-five in 1938- 39 and the number of enrolled students had fallen by some 30% , and all at a time when activity in other counties was increasing significantly .
7 He said the group had expanded to supply a new housing market of 200,000 units a year at a time when activity had slumped to 135,000 units .
8 The poor rate was the largest direct tax paid by most rate payers at a time when income tax was levied only on incomes above £150 p.a. and was paid by all householders , many of them themselves poor .
9 Post-war immigration from the New Commonwealth developed through the 1950s and 1960s , at a time when income trends were shifting from increasing equality to increasing inequality .
10 The proposal was evidently servicing a deficit model of education , which diagnosed that something was wrong with teachers which industry could put right : this at a time when education was faced by changes of revolutionary proportions , new content through curriculum reform required by the Education Reform Act and GCSE , new models of learning , new forms of assessment e.g. Records of Achievement ; new organisations e.g. tertiary colleges ; new accountability , newly appointed parent and industrial governors , new professionalism through initial teacher education , and training reforms for employment training .
11 He had started off in a modest enough way as a schoolboy like so many others — but at a time when education had not yet become compulsory ; what he did have was both the brains and the parental support to turn his flair for learning to good effect .
12 Recently , however , he had been criticized by fellow Republicans as ineffective at a time when education was increasingly achieving national prominence as a key domestic issue .
13 It will be intriguing to see how Brecht 's play stands up at a time when Communism is loosening its ideological hold .
14 It was clearly a short-term appointment , arguably calculated to reassure members of the renamed Overseas Civil Service that , at a time when morale might falter as career opportunities shrank with the imminence of independence , at least one of them and not ‘ a Whitehall warrior ’ was at the helm .
15 At a time when household formation rates suggest we should be going in the opposite direction , simply to stand still .
16 At a time when realist painters were focusing on the urban landscape , the routine and everyday , Minton 's decision to rework another artist 's evocation of a grand historical event seemed to his students puzzling and eccentric .
17 My wife and I went to Poona and for nine months took charge of the Willingdon Soldiers ' Club , at a time when welfare and amenities work was only just beginning .
18 She 'd had severe hearing impairment since birth and had become profoundly deaf in her mid-twenties , at a time when welfare services were mainly restricted to those provided by charities and phrases like ‘ deaf and dumb ’ were still common public currency .
19 Director Stephen Lee said : ‘ Charities are under enormous pressure to increase their services at a time when fundraising has never been so constrained .
20 They continued their research , but their reports were no longer published ( as they had been up to 1948 ) ; and , at a time when cost research was more clearly needed than ever before , Schiller 's team was starved of funds and talent .
21 It enabled Bush , who had been criticized for excessive prioritization of foreign policy , to demonstrate concern for and involvement in domestic affairs , and to demonstrate a commitment to civil rights at a time when Duke 's gubernatorial candidacy in Louisiana [ see above ] had embarrassed the Republican party .
22 Imaz found that about a quarter of the Argentine industrial elite , at a time when industrialisation was getting well under way , were self-made men from neither middle- nor upper-class backgrounds ( Imaz 1964 ) .
23 This project of revitalising the moral ground of liberalism was particularly important at a time when industrialisation had destroyed traditional sources of social cohesion by cutting individuals off from their fellow citizens and reducing their opportunities for self-expression through economic specialisation .
24 The issue of planning is complex since it involves far more than merely accepting new structures and new forms of co-operation — for in effect it involves recognising a new dimension of financial commitment at a time when money is short .
25 He and Mother must have thought a great deal of the place to go to that expense at a time when money was so short .
26 At a time when water formed the only practicable means of bulk transportation , the cultivation of grain was profitable in Norfolk and Sussex , where the arable districts were next to the coast , wheat and malt being the chief commodities clearing the ports there , much of it bound for London , though some went farther afield , including victuals for armies operating against Scotland .
27 Most notable was the small but marked increase in delivery time between 13.15 and 14.00 which can probably be accounted for by the gradual build-up of demand at a time when lunchtime rosters have effectively halved the number of bookfetching staff on duty , while a similar increase in delivery times for books requested between 16.45 and 17.00 ( when demand is falling ) is probably attributable to the change in shift and reduction in bookfetching staff which occurs at 17.00 .
28 The accountancy profession was built on providing practical service to emerging industries , before the audit requirements , and at a time when audit requirements were somewhat minimal .
29 Walker , who has turned 30 and has been at Tynecastle for over three years , will get his full international grounding at a time when goalkeeping problems abound for the national coach .
30 It has occurred at a time when expenditure on the CAP is again almost out of control and increasing all the time .
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