Example sentences of "at this [noun] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I gazed at this scene thinking that of all of the things I wanted when I was grown up , the one I wanted most was to play a harmonium .
2 Undergraduate courses in particular match the needs of the professional syllabuses , and the widespread use of computers at this level ensures that graduates have a strong foundation in the use of the modern tools of accountancy .
3 ‘ There is still a long way to go , though , and nobody at this club forgets that , two seasons ago , Aberdeen made up a ten-point deficit and took Rangers to the last day of the season before they ( Rangers ) won the title . ’
4 Erm , I think I answered this question this morning in response to erm Miss Whitaker 's erm er question to me , erm Hambledon 's objection to the principle of a new settlement is based upon , erm , our interpretation of P P G three , we feel that , as I said , it would be disingenuous of us to support the principle at this stage knowing that we were unwilling to accept a new settlement in Hambledon .
5 It came as a relief at this stage to find that I had got my sums right , and everything met where it ought !
6 It is useful at this stage to indicate that guarantors and indemnifiers are of two types , those who act as such at the request of the customer and those who were not requested by the customer to do so .
7 It is sufficient at this stage to note that the SGA 1979 does not necessarily contemplate the sale of absolute ownership ( National Employers Mutual General Insurance Association Ltd v Jones [ 1988 ] 2 WLR 952 ) and that relativity of title is the key to the understanding of the property passing provisions under the SGA 1979 .
8 However , there is no evidence at this stage to suggest that the expansion of OALD definitions would descend into generality at a significantly different rate .
9 There is no evidence at this stage to suggest that the expansion of definitions derived from a different dictionary would descend into generality at a significantly different rate .
10 At an early stage the County Council rejected all the inner northern routes , despite the recommendation of the County Surveyor and the County Planning Officer , I have at this point said that the Harrogate Borough Council erm h had also recommended that the inner northern routes be retained for investigation .
11 It seemed churlish at this point to mention that Eitzel had come all the way from San Francisco and is one of the greatest songwriters humanity has ever known .
12 as if to confirm her pedestrian turn of mind , Miss Logan at this point revealed that it had been a matter of curiosity to her since childhood how the Ark had succeeded in resting upon the top of a mountain .
13 It is as well at this point to confirm that it is so and to add that there are further complications , bibliographical and biographical .
14 It is important at this point to note that , just as our individual stress glasses are different , so our stress taps and what turns on these taps are different for everyone .
15 Investment business While a summary of the Solicitors ' Investment Business Rules 1990 may be found in Chapter 12 , it is appropriate at this point to note that every firm which carries on investment business within the meaning of the Financial Services Act 1986 is required to be authorised either through a Self-Regulating Organisation ( SRO ) such as FIMBRA or through a Recognised Professional Body ( RPB ) or directly from the Securities and Investments Board .
16 ( I was glad at this time to remember that a woman in our own suburb had said to her once , ‘ I think you are the most attractive girl in the village ! ’ )
17 Everyone who worked with Laura at this time agrees that , as a fashion editor , she had a sure instinct about forecasting trends , a canny feel for coordinating colour and fabric that was invariably right , and knowledge of which of the latest details could be adapted to the ‘ Laura Ashley ’ look .
18 Searle was not the only person at this time to conclude that since the Lefevre Gallery had told Minton ‘ Moons are out ’ , he had been searching round for new solutions which visits abroad solved only temporarily .
19 They had been long debated , but it should be emphasized how few individuals at this time believed that poverty could actually be eliminated , except perhaps in the very long run .
20 All the published results available at this time show that this new material is easy to place and avoids most of the early stent related complications — that is , early clogging or dislodgement .
21 The lack of developed commercial institutions at this time meant that businesses such as barging were inevitably family-based .
22 The Health Authorities at this time maintained that the maximum aluminium level had been 109 mg/litre , but the Ahrenses still had their jar of water and when it was analysed at Somerset Council 's laboratories it was found to contain 620 mg/litre , 3,000 times the EC limit .
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