Example sentences of "at the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look at the self-satisfied smirk on the man 's face .
2 Because EXAFS enables us to look at the atomic environment of each alkali in turn we may begin to understand the structural basis of this curious effect .
3 In 1771 he preached also at the flourishing society of Derryanville and at Kilmoriarty there was the largest congregation he had seen during the week .
4 The sheep gazed through the bars at the departing train with a look of woolly innocence .
5 He batted at the pivotal position of number three and fully justified the captain 's faith in him .
6 But I would say that we should obviously look at the financial aspect of the review erm dates , which might be yearly .
7 If you w u unfortunately we did n't look at the financial commentary as the first item .
8 One afternoon towards the end of the voyage , when the sun was beating down and a fresh northerly wind was speeding the ship southwards , she leant out over the gunwale to look at the low strip of land that was in sight on the port beam .
9 points up at the low ceiling with a cry :
10 On January 22nd Alan Greenspan , chairman of the Federal Reserve , suggested that it would be at the low end of that range largely because much of the equipment being used would not be replaced .
11 The growth of EP has had a marked influence at the low end of the publishing business .
12 At the low end of the market there are small , single user systems that replace your trusty filing cabinet , like Canon 's Canofile 250 from £13,000 .
13 Later agreements fixed tariffs for foreign goods coming into Japan at the low rate of 5 percent ad valorem ; and a ‘ most-favoured-nation ’ clause extended to each country new rights secured by any other .
14 The figure of 22.8% of claims at the low rate in the sample is higher than the rate for Berkshire as a whole ( 14.8% ) in the same period because the largest practice in the sample used a deputy for 53% of its night visits .
15 David Hockney 's celebrated double portrait of Henry Geldzahler , who was seated in the audience , and Christopher Scott ( lot 17 , est. $1–1.5 million ) was acquired at the low estimate by Larry Gagosian , acting on behalf of record producer , David Geffen , while an European telephone bidder purchased both Roy Lichtenstein 's ‘ Girl with Piano ’ ( lot 23 , est. $3–3.5 million ) for $1.65 million ( £1.1 million ) , and an important coloured silkscreen painting by Robert Rauschenberg ( lot 43 , est. $1.75–2 million ) for $1 million ( £666,700 ) .
16 After 18 months in office , the rector , the Rev. Dick Woodger , expressed his thanks for the help he and his wife had received during the move into the new rectory and at the recent birth of their latest daughter .
17 Indeed all look at the recent decision by the and Allied Trade Union to the members who have amalgamated themselves Transport and General Workers .
18 Does my hon. Friend recognise that there is disappointment on both sides of the Chamber at the recent decision by British Airways ?
19 In an interview which he gave in this year , he expressed his disappointment at the recent development of English poetry and suggested that any " creative advance " would come in prose fiction or in poetic drama : this is clearly what he himself was aiming at , as if he felt he could achieve in drama what he had already achieved in poetry .
20 Staff and their families really had a fund day at the recent opening of Consultancy Services ' refurbished Thomson House at Risley .
21 He and I were present at the recent opening of its new school building , for which I had the pleasure of being the Minister responsible for making available the necessary resources .
22 A look at the recent history of HDTV in Japan makes interesting viewing .
23 5 : Also , the French government 's Directorate for Safety has just expressed grave concern at the recent discovery of radioactive leaks in 50pc of the steel-nickel domes of its PWRs .
24 He said that at the recent mission in Cambridge Billy Graham had taught the grossest doctrines .
25 I was at the recent launch of Opportunity 2000 , an excellent initiative by Business in the Community .
26 At the recent launch of the Feedback procedure initiated by the group , we expressed the need for more members representing the community .
27 Warwicks-based Turner World Mowers ' first UK-designed and built machine is the Reachmaster 800SE long reach mower , shown for the first time at the recent Association of Drainage Authorities show .
28 On Dec. 23 China ordered France to close its consulate in the southern city of Guangzhou within a month in protest at the recent sale of French fighter aircraft and missiles to Taiwan [ see pp. 39190 ; 39217 ] .
29 As I arrived at the recent show of Eileen Cooper 's drawings at the Benjamin Rhodes Gallery after visiting the controversial ( read media-hype ) show , Strange Developments , at the Anthony d'Offay Gallery , I could not help but find great comfort in the sheer generosity of spirit with which these big drawings greet you .
30 Like at the recent fête on the fifteenth of August , when rockets dashed upwards from the dark field outside the village and the Virgin ascended to heaven as a shower of fiery red sparks .
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