Example sentences of "at [pos pn] [noun] when he " in BNC.

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1 He said I used to laugh at my Dad when he used to do these quizzes but when
2 I consoled him at my breast when he wept .
3 And how dared he try to bolster up his male ego at her expense when he had made it so plain he did n't care a damn for her as a person ?
4 Even so , the overbearing Purvis looked at his watch when he saw me and said ‘ Good afternoon ’ .
5 The problem for any intelligence agency , East or West , is whether to take a politician at his word when he is publicly declaring a desire for greater friendship and understanding with the very same people against whom the covert operation is intended .
6 Despite her previous fear of him , she took Gareth Davis at his word when he said he would not try to harm her .
7 AN EAGER woman viewer took newsreader John Suchet at his word when he said : ‘ Join me tomorrow night ’ .
8 It was true , she felt , for in the heat of the moment a voice was warning her that he was only moved by desire now because she had n't fallen at his feet when he had followed her to London .
9 ( But there was always the sudden stab at his heart when he reasoned thus , because he had not been born to it ! )
10 Most of the CBC staff took their lunch at the hotel cafeteria , with Emile and Margaret presiding , and I often joined Ira Dilworth at his table when he waved me over .
11 Two weeks later , Brenda was at his side when he unveiled a statue of himself .
12 ‘ You are a part of it , ’ he interrupted caustically , ‘ whether you like it or not , and at the moment you are the only friend Steve Cannock has and if you feel for him as you so often have claimed to you 'll be at his side when he needs you . ’
13 Edward Nundy , 55 , of Southend , Essex , was allegedly seen at his boat when he should have been working for Car Buyer magazine .
14 A smile tugged at his lips when he remembered the dead peonies falling at his feet and Sweetheart 's totally unexpected laughter .
15 ‘ Tom always had a couple of lurcher dogs tagging along at his heels when he was a kid .
16 Wigan were dismayed at his condition when he came back , and there was a half-hearted threat from Central Park to demand financial compensation from the Sydney club .
17 Do you find yourself snapping at your partner when he does n't deserve it , or losing patience with your children , simply because you 're exhausted ?
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