Example sentences of "at [art] end [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of flitting from one employer to another he remained constant in Richard 's service and was with him still at the end at Chalus .
2 But if the cheering at the end on Thursday evening — and I mean the cheering from upstairs , which is what matters — is a portent , then Kenneth MacMillan 's Prince Of The Pagodas is a success .
3 But Ron Evans 's new concept for our programme , based on a degree of informality — with always space left at the end for viewers ' reaction to what had just been seen — and the new style of chatty presentation changed things .
4 Bob tips in a portion of hops at the start of the boil and adds more at the end for aroma .
5 The standing ovation by the audience at the end for P.J. Proby and cast spoke for itself !
6 With this lot there were those who stayed at the end to tutt-tutt at some of the language and that .
7 A reference at the end to Orpheus torn apart by the Dionysian women , his head pulled off , invites us to reinterpret the action in the light of myth and allegory .
8 Ahead , the traffic lights at the end of Beaumont Street were in sight .
9 Mm , mm which corner is at the end of Hammer Street ?
10 They can be added to stir-fry vegetables at the end of cooking or served as an accompaniment .
11 Dill should be added at the end of cooking , or its flavour is destroyed .
12 There 's also an autotimer , a temperature hold that keeps food hot at the end of cooking and a food probe that cooks food exactly how you want it , without timing worries .
13 ‘ Perhaps the prospect of centuries of boredom at the end of history will serve to get history started again ’ , speculates Francis Fukuyama , the US State Department official who started the latest fashion for this idea .
14 The trie structure does allow such information to be stored at the end of word nodes .
15 Various types of information about the words are stored at the end of word nodes in the trie .
16 at the end of experience ,
17 Saw three fellows at the end of Royce Wood , who I found were laying out the plan for an iron rail way from Manchester to London .
18 Coming back from the pillar box at the end of Charteris Road , Nurse Rose met the Private Wing sister .
19 The mailing will be sent to a small segment in late October , the bulk in early November and to another segment at the end of January .
20 The third congress of journalists which met at the end of January simply stressed the importance of party leadership of the press and made no practical survey of what was actually happening .
21 The S was introduced at the end of January — and was thus not part of our driving story last August — but the ingredients are familiar enough .
22 At the end of January , for example , Warnie took Minto and Maureen to the Electra cinema to see the funeral of George V , and it was obvious that they were all much affected by it .
23 The two leaders will meet again at the end of January , and later to sign a treaty on co-operation and good neighbourly relations by next spring which is to cement what is being described as a ‘ Treaty-based relationship . ’
24 Sandys went off to Washington at the end of January to update himself on the latest US operational thinking and advances in weapon technology .
25 The changes will take several months to make much difference to most people 's lives ( price controls remain on basic foods , heating and transport ; the auctions of small businesses will begin only at the end of January ) .
26 Japan ( not the United States , as suggested last week ) still boasts the world 's biggest official foreign reserves : at the end of January it had some $79 billion-worth ( including foreign currency , SDRs and its reserve position at the IMF , but excluding gold ) .
27 Seed and cutting tubers are started in a propagator set at 21 ° C ( 70 ° F ) at the end of January , and older tubers early in March .
28 FOLLOWING the eighteen months of German victory and triumph in Poland , Scandinavia , the west and south-east of Europe between September 1939 and April 1941 , the next eighteen months from the beginning of the Russian campaign on 22 June 1941 to the German defeat in Stalingrad at the end of January 1943 brought the decisive change in the course of the war and the downturn of Germany 's military fortune .
29 An SD report at the end of January 1942 noted that ‘ the pictures from the Führer Headquarters were felt to be the high-point of the newsreel ’ , and that ‘ not enough pictures of the Führer could be shown ’ .
30 At the end of January , transport secretary Malcolm Rifkind met his European colleagues to discuss the standing task force of national experts on oil pollution .
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